~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association ~ |
Active Duty Membership
The ©720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association, was founded in 1982. Approved April 1996 by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(19) Tax Exempt Veterans Service Organization. Incorporated in 1998 in the State of Florida, as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Veterans Service Corporation. |
This membership allows any Active Duty member of the 720th MP Battalion to join the Reunion Association without payment of dues, and is good for only the time period of your active duty tour with the 720th MP Battalion at Fort Hood, TX. You are welcome to attend all Association social functions, and you will receive all Newsletters and other related correspondence, via Email only. However, you are not entitled to hold office or vote on any Association business. To register your membership information, print out the Membership Application Form, check the Active Duty block, complete the information requests in the shaded area, and mail it to the address provided on the form. All "new first time" members will receive the... Association Windshield Decal Latest Newsletter