~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association ~ |
History & Purpose
The ©720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association, was founded in 1982. Approved April 1996 by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(19) Tax Exempt Veterans Service Organization. Incorporated in 1998 in the State of Florida, as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Veterans Service Corporation. |
History Of The Association 1982 The organization was formed by CPL Joseph Selovich who served in A, B & HQ Companies, 1949-1952. It was formed as a small informal social group consisting of former members of the Battalion that served during WWII and the Occupied Japan era. Joe's intention was to provide access through reunions to promote fellowship of the veterans of his era and interaction with the active duty members of the Battalion at Fort Hood, TX. Joe and his fellow officers managed the association the old fashioned way, hard work and a true dedication to their associations goals. They constantly communicated with each other, kept their membership records on 3x5 cards, and used a typewriter and a copy machine to get out their message in regular newsletters. Joe always had the knack to make you feel like a member of a special family and not just a name on a sheet of mailing labels. As the association grew and accepted new veterans the scope of its management needs also grew. Joe insured that even with the increased workload the services and goals did not take a back seat. With the advent of the personal computer era and the ability to cheaply communicate and recruit new members via a website, the association continued its growth at a faster pace. Once again its organizational management needs grew. Unfortunately at that same time Joe became ill and stepped down from the position of president to that of a director. Sadly, on 24 December 2001, Joe Selovich passed from our ranks. In 1996 the association filed for and received recognition by the U.S. Department Of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, as a tax exempt veterans service organization. In 1998 the association incorporated as a not-for-profit veterans service organization in the state of Florida. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws were adopted as required by statute. Along with the incorporation came the responsibility of legal statutory regulations to guide and govern its operations. Purpose Of The Association This association is organized exclusively as a perpetual, pro bono organization consisting of past and present veterans of the 720th Military Police Battalion, United States Army, all eras, and any and all other members of units having served subordinate to the 720th Military Police Battalion since its activation on 20 January 1942. 1. To join together for the purpose of social and recreational activities. 3. Extend our fellowship to spouse’s and families, widows and widowers of our members so they may participate in all association sponsored social activities. 4. Promote those issues before the Nation that effect the health and welfare of all Veterans. 5. Will not endorse any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any political candidate(s) for public office. 6. Will not engage in any form of lobbying, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation or the publication or distribution of statements in behalf of any candidates. |