~ 720th Military Police Battalion History Project ~

(Webster's Dictionary) A place on a highway (a border between two countries, etc.) where traffic is stopped, as for inspection by authorities.

     There are four types of Check Points (CP's) mentioned throughout this website.

     The number of MP's, types of vehicles utilized, and the duration were designed to address the specific goals given by higher authority.

Fixed CP... A predetermined stationary post at an intersection, or on a section of highway suitable to allow the MP patrol to monitor or stop and inspect vehicles, and control or gather stragglers and refugees, without impeding the flow of other traffic.

Reference CP... At an intersection, bridge, building or other type of known landmark along a convoy/escort route used to identify its location to higher authorities monitoring the convoy/escort progress.

TCP... or Traffic Control Point... During convoy escort assignments and major multi unit combat operations the local MP's in a certain area would be directed to a specific location to direct and maintain a continuous flow of troop or support traffic.

Temporary CP... Set up at random or predetermined locations based on intelligence, traffic surveys, etc., on the roads and highways within the area of operation.

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