~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association History Project ~ |
NATO Medal |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
Criteria Authorized by the Secretary General of NATO for specific NATO operations. In accordance with Executive Order 11446, the Secretary of Defense, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, may approve acceptance for operations and authorize the wear by US Service members who meet the criteria specified by the Secretary General of NATO. The acceptance of the NATO Medal has been approved for US Military personnel who serve under NATO Command or operational control in direct support of NATO operations in the former Republic of Yugoslavia, or as designated by Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR), from 1 July 1992 through a future date to be determined. The NATO Medal presentation set, received from a NATO representative, normally includes the regular size medal and ribbon bar. It may include a clasp denoting the specific operation for which the award was made. US Service members are authorized to retain the ribbon clasp if presented; however, the wearing of a ribbon clasp with the NATO Medal or service ribbon is not authorized. The NATO Medal will normally be presented by the SACEUR Headquarters exercising operational command or control over US military units or individuals prior to their departure from service with NATO. It shall have the same precedence as the UN Medal, but shall rank immediately below the UN Medal when the wearer has been awarded both decorations. |
A bronze service star is added to the ribbon to denote each subsequent award. |
A silver service star is added to the ribbon to denote the 5th, 10th, etc. |
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