~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association History Project ~
Kosovo Campaign Medal

Criteria: Service Members authorized the Kosovo Campaign Medal must have participated in or served in direct support of Kosovo Operation(s): ALLIED FORCE (24 Mar through Jun 1999); JOINT GUARDIAN (11 Jun 1999 through To Be Determined); ALLIED HARBOUR 4 Apr through 1 Sep 1999); SUSTAIN HOPE/SHINING HOPE (4 Apr through 10 Jul 1999); NOBLE ANVIL (24 Apr through 20 Jul 1999); or Kosovo TASK FORCE (S): HAWK (5 Apr through 24 Jun 1999); SABER (31 Mar through 8 Jul 1999); or HUNTER (1 Apr through 1 Nov 1999) within the Kosovo Air Campaign or Kosovo Defense Campaign areas of eligibility (AOE):

a. Kosovo Air Campaign (24 March 1999 through 10 June 1999) AOE: the total land area and air space of Serbia (including Kosovo), Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and Slovenia; and the waters and air space of the Adriatic and Ionian Sea north of the 39th North latitude.

b. Kosovo Defense Campaign (11 Jun 1999 through To Be Determined) AOE: The total land area and air space of Serbia (including Kosovo), Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, and the waters and air space of the Adriatic seas within 12 nautical miles of the Montenegro, Albania, and Croatia coastlines South of 42 degrees and 52 minutes North latitude.


Criteria: Service members must be bonafide members of a unit participating in or be engaged in direct support of the Operation for 30 consecutive days in the AOE or for 60 nonconsecutive days provided this support involves the entering the Operations AOE or meet one or more of the following criteria:

a. Be engaged in actual combat, or duty that is equally hazardous as combat duty, during the Operation with armed opposition, regardless of time in the AOE.

b. While participating in the Operation, regardless of time, is wounded or injured and required medical evacuation from the AOE.

c. While participating as regularly assigned aircrew member flying sorties into, out of, within, or over the AOE in direct support of the military operations.

Naval Vessels: The Secretary of Defense approved the award to the following Navy vessels as an exception to the 30 consecutive days within the Kosovo Air Campaign AOE criteria: USS Norfolk, USS Miami, USS Bose, USS Albuquerque, USS Nicholson, USS Philippine Sea, and USS Gonzalez.


A bronze service star is worn on the suspension and campaign ribbon for participation in *each designated campaign phase.


 *    One Bronze Service Star shall be worn on the suspension and service ribbon of the Kosovo Campaign Medal for qualified participation during campaign period (an individual who participated in one campaign would wear the Medal and/or Service Ribbon with one star). Meeting the qualification in each of the two campaigns would warrant the Medal and two Bronze Service Stars. However, if an individual's 30 or 60 days began in one campaign and carried over into the 2d campaign, they would only qualify for the Kosovo Campaign Medal and one Service Star.

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