~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association History Project ~

Photo A0243: BG Richard W. Stephens cuts the cake honoring the 11th Anniversary of the Military Police prior to a baseball game between the Tokyo Police Department and the 720th MP Battalion, HQ & Service Company, HQ, Far East Command (FEC), at Hardy Field, Tokyo, Japan on 26 September 1952. Left to right: SFC William E. Tisdell (Mt. Holly, NJ) 720th Mess Supervisor; COL Francis E. Howard, Provost Marshal, HQ FEC; LTC Alvin B. Welsch, Commander 720th MP Battalion, BG Stephens, Commander HQ & Service Command; COL Andrew B. Pedgett, Provost Marshal HQ & Service Command, HQ FEC; PFC George Schmidt (St. Louis, MO) baker, 720th MP Battalion; Chief Koganei, Tokyo Police Department, and Henry Oda (Honoluu, HI) Pacific Area Command, Provost Marshal Office, Military Tokyo Area. Official U.S. Army Photograph, 71st Signal Service Battalion, Japan.

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