~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association History Project ~ |
Photo A0248: Escorts from the 720th MP Battalion Headquarters & Service Command, General Headquarters, Far East Command Military Tribunal Guard Unit, escort Tatsu Min Ke (left) and Yoshimatsu Iwamura (right) from the International Provost Court in Tokyo, Japan on 21 May 1951. Ke and Yoshimatsu along with 16 others are being tried for espionage against the American Occupation. Iwamura is alleged to be a North Korean Army Major and ringleader of the espionage network that had the plans for GEN Douglas MacArthur’s Inchon landing a week before it began. The MP prisoner escorts are (left) CPL Harry F. Hall (Devil City, ND) and (right) CPL Paul Dorefs (Engadine, MI). The MP to the far left is unidentified. If you can provide his name and or rank, please use this Email Link. Official U.S. Army Photograph. |
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