~ 720th Military Police Battalion Vietnam History Project ~

Photo G1285-3: Unidentified member of a Charlie Company, 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade reaction force manning the .50 caliber machine gun in his armored gun jeep as a Medivac helicopter that recovered casualties departs the scene of a jeep ambush on Highway QL-1 a few miles northeast of Bien Hoa City and Long Binh Post, Bien Hoa Province, III Corps Tactical Zone, Vietnam on 21 December 1966.

     The enemy started the ambush with a command detonated mine that killed the ARVN driver followed by a barrage of small arms fire killing LTC James Crabb McIntosh and MAJ John H. Joyce of the Headquarters, 18th ARVN Infantry Division, MACV Advisory Team #87 who were traveling west on High QL-1 in their jeep towards Bien Hoa from their detachment in Xuan Loc, Long Kahnh Province, III Corps Tactical Zone. The reaction force provided site security and traffic control while the bodies were recovered and removed by a Medivac helicopter, and the jeep was towed from the scene by a wrecker. Courtesy of SP/4 Alan J. Tacey, C Company, 720th MP Battalion, October 1966-October 1967.

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