~ 720th Military Police Battalion Vietnam History Project ~ |
Photo G2358: Members of the C Company, 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade during a break in the 3 to 7 October 1970 (Special) Cam Ranh Bay Convoy escort in Vietnam. The convoy was organized only to promote the success of the MACV Intensified Vietnamization Program and never run again. The Jeep C14 was named "The Frog,” and the name was painted on the front above the radiator grill. The wire cutter attachment to the front bumper was also rare to see on an MP jeep by 1970. Unidentified SGT (standing left), SGT Larry Greenwood (sitting in back), unidentified (standing right is not an MP). If you can identify the other MP, please use this Email Link. Courtesy of SGT Lawrence K. Greenwood, C Company, 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, July 1970-May 1971. |
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