~ 720th Military Police Battalion Vietnam History Project ~ |
Photo G3383b: LTC Zane V. Kortum (hand on webbed belt) and his staff are being briefed by a Battalion interpreter (to the colonels left) on the status of the village cordon and search operation being conducted under Operation STABILIZE in An Xuan and Long Hung Villages by a Battalion interpreter as members of his staff, security and local Popular Forces staff watch. The cordon and search operation was taking place in the 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade Tactical Area Of Responsibility (TAOR) in Bien Hoa Provence of III Corps Tactical Zone on 27 April 1968. If you can identify anyone else in this photograph, please use this Email Link. Courtesy of CPL Thomas T. Watson, B Company (Outpost-2), 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, 1968-1969. |
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