~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association ~ Vietnam History Project ~ |
National Police Ambush 27 March 1968 ~ Outpost-1, An Xuan Village |
The fear and confusion in the village caused by the rocket attack had subsided, and the residnts began their daily routines. For many It started with a walk down the village roadway past the path to the outpost, where they turned north past the village schoolhouse towards the old footbridge that crossed over the Cay Nga Canal. Many were parents accompanied by their young children who parted company with them once they reached the small one-room school just north of the OP. Accompanying them this morning were two uniformed National Policemen who were walking the two miles to their police station in An Hoa Hung. Suddenly, two hand grenades thrown from the bushes by the schoolyard exploded, and when the dust settled and smoke cleared two wounded policemen, and the lifeless bodies of two young children were sprawled in the dirt of the road. The MP’s and PF’s ran from their OP compound and immediately set up a security perimeter as they tended to the wounded. The daring daylight attack was the first in years, and as usual the VC disappeared into the village eluding capture. It was learned later that the intended targets were the two National Policemen. The following day SGT Lonnie M. O’Bryan of the River Patrol returned to the scene with his crew, and recovered a pistol lost by one of the policemen during the attack. The only good news he brought to the OP was the two policemen would eventually recover from their wounds. Later that morning the recent rumors of additional consolidation within the TAOR were finally confirmed when a truck load of large wooden framing timbers were delivered to B Company to begin the construction of their own TOC. The project would take a couple of weeks to complete, and when finished it provided a communications center equal to that of the Battalion TOC, only at a much smaller scale. |
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