The Lighter Side Of MP Duty
Who Was That Masked Man

Exact Date Unknown  The MP guard (410th or 411th) on duty at the Highway 190 gate observed a convertible approach his post and went into complete panic when it slowed and he observed the President of the United States in the back seat.

     As the vehicle passed slowly through the gate, President Nixon flashed the gate guard his trademark hand gesture and the vehicle continued on, into the post. The gate guard excitedly called PMO and informed dispatch that President had just entered the post.

    The Provost Marshals Office dispatched all of the day patrols and had them scurrying all over to locate the President's motorcade. Word was also sent to post Headquarters about the unannounced visit by the Commander In Chief.

     Little did they know that this caper was pulled off by two troops from the 401st MP Company, President Nixon was SGT Tom Nelson and the chauffeur SP/4 John E. Orey. After entering the gate they headed right to the company area and went into their barracks.

     Headquarters never discovered the culprits.

SGT David W. Sullivan (MAJ Retired) 401st MP Company, 720th MP Battalion, III Corps, Fort.

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