~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association Vietnam History Project ~ |
Photo G3411: Taken from lead vehicle of A Company, 720th MP Battalion escort on the Tay Ninh-Cu Chi convoy while passing northbound through Cu Chi, Tay Ninh Province, III Corps Tactical Zone, Vietnam in 1969. "It was not far past this point the road took a curve to the right. We would get sniper fire occasionally. In 1998 I returned and found how the VC was so elusive. There were "spider" holes back off the highway connected to an underground tunnel network. I was able to crawl through several of the Chichi tunnels, but I couldn't fit in or out of the "spider holes." Courtesy of SP/4 Norman R. Bresinski, A Company, 720th MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Vietnam, July 1969-July 1970. |
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