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If you have any questions, additional biographical information, personal remembrances, or photographs you would like to contribute, please contact the History Project Manager via this Email Link. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
PFC Robert Alicea Killed In Action ~ 1 October 1968 ~ Vietnam |
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If you would like to talk with someone about PFC Alicea please contact.... Jim Brunotte
PFC Robert Alicea, age 20, was born 8 August 1948 in Bronx, New York. He was drafted into the Army in 1967. While attending Military Police School at Fort Gordon, Georgia in November of 1967, Robert earned a position as an Assistant Squad Leader. After graduation he was assigned to an Honor Guard Unit in Germany from where he volunteered for Vietnam service. On 17 July 1968 Robert arrived at B Company and he discovered that his former MP school squad leader and friend Jim Brunotte had also recently arrived. Both were assigned to duty in the Tactical Area Of Responsibility at Outpost #1 in the Village of An Xuan. On the 76th day of his tour, Tuesday, 1 October 1968 during the late afternoon, PFC Alicea and PFC James Brunotte were finishing the second of two routine supply runs between Outpost #1, An Xuan Village and Outpost #2 near Long Hung Village. |
Photo courtesy of the Alicea Family |
On the return
trip to Outpost -1 along a raised dirt roadway that cut through the
vast rice paddies separating the two villages, their jeep ran over a
trigger devise placed in the road by a local VC hidden in the brush
along a small stream near the roadway. The trigger detonated a powerful
land mine previously set in the roadway by the local VC force. It was
believed that the intended target for the mine was the 6 man bridge
security team truck that was expected on the roadway before the jeep
exited Outpost-2 to return to An Xuan Village. |
PFC Alicea was killed instantly, PFC Brunotte was severely wounded and permanently disabled but survived. Two passengers, the wife and daughter of a local Popular Forces Sergeant who they were transporting to An Xuan Village were also seriously wounded but survived. On 3 October at 0800 hours a memorial service was held for PFC Alicea. All companies furnished guidons for the ceremony, service programs were distributed, and personnel throughout the 18th MP Brigade were invited to attend. The service was held in the 89th MP Group Chapel on Long Binh Post. |
Photo courtesy of SP/4 Rich Kreidler, B Company, 1968-1969. |
To honor PFC Alicea, B Company commissioned a painting (photograph top left) that was placed on the B Company day room Wall of Honor. The original memorial painting was last seen in September 1970 just before B Company was redesignated as the 188th MP Company. If anyone has any information that might assist in locating it, please notify the History Project Manager through the link at the top right of this page. Also in 1968, B Company dedicated their Day Room as the Alicea Lounge with a Memorial Plaque. Click on the photo to enlarge. |
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--- General / Personal --- --- Military --- |
--- Action --- Start of Tour: Wednesday, July 17, 1968 Date of Casualty: Tuesday, October 1, 1968 Age at time of loss: 20 Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty) Country: South VietNam Province: Bien Hoa The Wall: Panel 42W - Row 052 |
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"The Death of PFC Alicea" Journal of CPL Thomas T. Watson, B Company, March 1968 to March 1969. |
"He Was A Quiet and Peaceful Guy" SP/4 Rainer Hippie Trappe,
B Company, March 1968 to March 1969. |
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Reflection: "Paying My Respects" This Sunday, August 29th, 2004, I was at the Long Island National Cemetery, Farmingdale Long Island, New York, to pay my respects to Robert Alicea. "PFC Robert Alicea", B Company, 720th MP Battalion, gave the ultimate sacrifice when he died in Vietnam on October 1, 1968. He was interred on October 14, 1968 in Section H Grave 9945. A short distance away, I was surprised to find another MP. "PFC Daniel Joseph Flynn", C Company, 720th MP Battalion, gave the ultimate sacrifice when he died in Vietnam on May 25, 1968. He was interred on June 6, 1968 in Section Q Grave 1764-B. This is the first time that I visited a National Cemetery. I was very impressed with the care and respect for our Veterans’ that are buried here. The grass and grave sites are kept in perfect order. The headstones are clean and bright in the sunlight. Row upon row of identical shape and size, 324,000 headstones, all exactly on line. It looked like soldiers standing at attention in military formation. I had a feeling of serenity and sadness. On my cap I wore my 720th MP Battalion insignia pin that I wore in Vietnam, and had with me in Manhattan, NY on 9/11. I stood at attention at Robert Alicea’s and then Daniel Joseph Flynn’s grave. I blew my MP whistle that I had with me in Vietnam. I gave a prayer of thanks to Robert Alicea and then to Daniel Joseph Flynn for their ultimate sacrifice for me, their comrades, friends and families. I read the following poems: From the 720th MP Battalion Vietnam Project Honor Roll; They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. From “A Soldier of the Great War,” Mark Halprin; “The war was still in him, and it would be in him for a long time to come, for soldiers who have been blooded are soldiers forever. They never fit in… That they cannot forget, they do not forget, that they will never allow themselves to heal completely, is their way of expressing their love for friends who have perished. And they will not change because they have become what they have become to keep the fallen alive. ”From the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Wall; “Look deeply into my black granite face and see yourself in the reflection-your face superimposed on names. Never forget the names-for they hold the answer.” From “Visions of War, Dreams of Peace” Edited by Lynda Van Devanter & Joan Furey. Poems written by women who served in Vietnam. “Making Friends” Lynda Van Devanter; Twenty years since my life was changed Twenty years making a friend of death Knowing it Respecting it Wishing it at times Fighting with it as friends sometimes do. But the nightmares of war have faded as I’ve healed My dreams are now of peace Peace of mind Peace of heart Hoping for peace on earth It’s time I made a friend of Life. SP/4 Allan M. Portnoy, B Company & 615th MP Company, 720th MP Battalion, October 1966 to October 1967. |
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