~ 720th Military Police Battalion Vietnam History Project ~
The Motor Pool Shop
"Keeping The Battalion Moving"
This Page Last Updated  1 March 2018
     If you worked in the motor pool shop for HQ & HQ Detachment, Alpha, Bravo or Charlie Companies regardless of MOS, we need your assistance. The Battalion History Project is in need of someone that could assist in explaining the duties, responsibilities and processes used by the vehicle mechanic team's to include, operational problems, personal stories and photographs of your operations and shop. If you would be interested in helping out please contact Tom Watson, the History Project Manager via the Email Link above. Your contributions of historical information are always welcomed.
18th MP
89th MP
720th MP

      From the standard 1/4-ton jeep to the 3/4, Deuce-and-a-half, 5-ton trucks and specialized armored vehicles for convoy escorts and troop and equipment movements, they were ultimately responsible for the maintenance and repair of all wheeled and tracked vehicle assets that were critical to all Battalion operations.

     The Battalion Headquarters Detachment and each company had organic vehicle mechanics assigned, and all would coordinate their inventory, activities, expertise and manpower to benefit the whole. Their general and specialized MOS technical training was critical to keep the battalion moving.

      Regularly scheduled inspection and maintenance was a must and although the Motor Shops had an 8 to 4 daily schedule, they were available for callouts for emergency service replacement and repairs regardless of the time of day, the weather or threat of enemy activity.
