~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association ~

This Page Was Last Revised  22 August 2018


        The ©720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association, was founded in 1982. Approved April 1996 by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(19) Tax Exempt Veterans Service Organization. Incorporated in 1998 in the State of Florida, as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Veterans Service Corporation.


        To answer your questions on qualifications and the process for membership in the association, please take the time to review each section listed on this Index page.

        Your participation and suggestions are always welcomed at this website so if you have any unanswered questions when you are finished, please feel free to direct them to any member of the Board of Directors & Trustees.

History & Purpose Of The Association
"Occupied Japan Veterans of the 720th MP Battalion"
Effective 2013 you became eligible for a Lifetime Membership at no cost!
Print a Lifetime Membership Application and mail it in today!
If you have any problems downloading the form, contact our Membership Coordinator Robert Bogison via this Email LINK
Membership Classifications
Lifetime Membership
Biennial Membership
Active Duty Membership
Update My Membership Information
Legacy Membership
     If you are joining the Association for the FIRST TIME you "may" have to submit a copy of your DD214 or some other official military document identifying yourself as a former veteran of the Battalion or a qualifying unit "unless"....
1- Your name already appears on your unit roster on this website.
2- A current member will vouch for you.
3- You are currently an Active Duty (Fort Hood) member of the Greatest MP Battalion in the U.S. Army!
4- You are the widow, widower or child of a veteran who was a member of the 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association at the time of his/her passing from our ranks, one family (Liaison) member only.
5- You are the widow, widower or child of a veteran of the 720th Military Police Battalion or one of its subordinate units at the time it was actively attached to the Battalion, who while on active duty was taken from our ranks in combat or in the line of duty.
     We have in the past received inquiries from Military Police veteran's who did not qualify under our guidelines (above) for active membership. If your former unit does not have a reunion association and you would like to attend our reunions with MP's who served during your era, you may qualify as a "Guest." For more information direct your questions to this dedicated Email Link..
~ Membership Application Form ~
This page is periodically updated, please hit your browser refresh button when visiting to insure you obtain the latest information and Membership Application form.
~ Click & Print~

Remember, your not getting any younger!

Don't let your service go unrecognized, join us today !

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