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LTC Baxter M. Bullock, COL Ret.

Commanding Officer of the 720th MP Battalion, 18th MP Brigade
7 June 1968 to 11 February 1969 ~ Republic of South Vietnam

  CPT Baxter M. Bullock the battalion operations officer and later adjutant at Fort Hood, Texas was promoted to MAJ in December 1960. At the departure of LTC Harold .K. Reynolds on 10 June 1961, MAJ Bullock served as the Interim Battalion Commander until the arrival of LTC Robert P. Hotaling on 24 July. 

     The interim command and a later command of the Battalion in Vietnam gives him the distinction of being the only officer to have twice served as the commander of the 720th MP Battalion.

        LTC Bullock, a veteran of WWII and the Korean War, received command of the Battalion from LTC Zane V. Kortum on 7 June 1968.

     On 11 February 1969 LTC Bullock passed command to LTC Robert M. O'Malley, Sr.


During his tour as commander the Battalion participated in:

     The single company reorganization and consolidation of the Battalion operations in the Tactical Area Of Responsibility (TAOR) with B Company assigned; Increased counter insurgency and Civic Action Programs in the TAOR; Dedication of the Freedom Bridges at An Xuan Village; Operation Condor II, the movement of the Royal Thai Black Panther Division to Bearcat; Acquisition of a fifty-nine man Vietnamese Revolutionary Development Team in the TAOR; Suppression of the 30 August riot at the USARV Stockade (Long Binh Jail); Increased enemy activity within the TAOR (prelude to the 23 February 1969 Post Tet Offensive); Movement security of the 1st Air Cavalry Division from the Newport Docks to three base camps; Operation Holly, escort security for the Bob Hope USO tour; Operation Religious Services, security for Long Binh Post Christmas Services; Operation CONDOR III, Escort security for the second increment of 5,704 man Royal Thai Army Black Panther Division deployment from the Newport Army Terminal docks, Saigon, to Bearcat.

     COL Bullock passed from our ranks on 6 March 1997 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Section 64 Site 1767.

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