~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association Vietnam History Project ~ |
My Tho Detachment |
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1967 |
The 148th MP Platoon moves to IV Corps Tactical Zone, Mekong Delta |
June The newly formed 148th MP Platoon moved to Can Tho, at the IV Corps Provost Marshal Headquarters, in the Mekong Delta region. Operationally they were assigned to the IV Corps Provost Marshal Office, and the 557th MP Company, 95th MP Battalion for administrative and Logistical support. My Tho Detachment of the 148th MP Platoon, 95th MP Battalion, consisting of nine personnel, were all originally members of the 557th MP Company. Cay Lai on Highway QL4 was discussed as a possible location for the detachment but due to heavy enemy activity and lack of close allied support My Tho was chosen as the detachment assignment instead. The detachment billets were located in a two story building called the Armor House, an old villa. The building was the base of the eighteen man Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV) Team #75 assigned as advisors to the 6th ARVN Armored Cavalry. The MPs of the detachment were nicknamed by the MACV Team #75 as the "Rat Patrol" after a popular WWII North African Campaign theme television show of that time. The detachment mission was to provide Discipline, Law and Order patrols in the town and surrounding areas. They worked combined patrols with the local Vietnamese National Police (Canh Sat's). |
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Each Index throughout this Timeline contais miscellaneous photographs from 1967 through 1972 that are not directly related to any specific Timeline event. If you can date any of the events depicted, please use the Email Link on this page to notify the History Project Manager. |
1967 Detachment - Miscellaneous Photograph Index |
A "?" preceding the photo number denotes further identifications are needed. |
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1968 |
Communist Forces launch the Tet New Years Offensive throughout South Vietnam |
The My Tho Detachment of the 148th MP Platoon, was still under operational control of the IV Corps Provost Marshals Office. Next door to the "Armor House" (HQ for the MACV Advisory Team #75) where they were billeted was a smaller house that was rented for use by the 148th MP Platoon Detachment. Unfortunately due to the Tet New Years attack they never got to move into it, the Viet Cong overran that portion of the town and most of the area was destroyed. |
25 January The senior adviser of IV Corps Tactical Zone had warned all subordinate elements in the IV Corps that during the impending Tet holiday cease-fire period the Viet Cong were expected to resupply and move into position for a post-Tet offensive. The warning was based on past experience and recent intelligence reports. |
29 January The senior adviser dispatched the following message: Desire immediate dissemination of following information to all provinces without delay. There are a number of positive intelligence indicators that the enemy will deliberately violate the truce by approaching friendly installations during night of 29 January or early morning of 30 January. All provincial senior advisors will take action to insure maximum alert posture through the Tet period. Particularly alert for enemy deception involving use of friendly vehicles and uniforms. |
31 January The Viet Cong (VC) forces struck, and the local U.S. and Allied units based at My Tho were left on their own to defend against the attack which was intended to overrun and occupy the city. The VC forces consisting of the 261st, 2634, and 514th Viet Cong Main Force Battalion's broke through the defenders lines and occupied the city before assistance from the Mobile Riverine Force was deployed. |
SP/4 Leon J. Shrum, age 21, 148th MP Platoon, from Bowling Green, KY was killed in action during the Tet Offensive in My Tho. SP/4 Shrum and SGT Joe Picucci were on a reconnaissance patrol in My Thos streets during the Tet Offensive. |
1 February At 1520 hours [3:20 PM] the Mobile Riverine Force [MRF] comprised of elements of the U.S. Navy, 3rd Battalion, 9th U.S. Infantry Division, and Army Of The Republic Of South Vietnam [ARVN] 7th Infantry Division, landed at My Tho on the southwestern edge of the city. The MRF started to move into the city and was engaged by VC forces in a fierce street to street and house to house battle which lasted until 2100 hours [9:00 PM]. By then most of the firing had ceased with the exception of sporadic sniper and occasional grenade attacks. Throughout the night VC forces began to attempt a withdrawal from the city. |
2 February The Mobile Riverine Force elements continued their attack against the remaining VC forces in the city and received light resistance. The MRF blocking forces in the outskirts of the city became engaged in the battle with the fleeing VC units. |
4 February The city was secured and the Mobile Riverine Force redeployed the majority of its elements to Vinh Long.. Once the city was again secure the MP detachment returned to My Tho and moved back into into the Armor House with the MACV Team #75.
Shortly after the Tet Offensive the operational, administrative and logistics support for the 148th MP Platoon changed from the 557th MP Company, 95th MP Battalion (Long Binh Post) to the 300th MP Company (Physical Security Saigon Military Port), 92nd MP Battalion, located at Pershing Field, Saigon |
1 April 188th MP Company operations, under the 92nd Military Police Battalion, began moving to the Mekong Delta area and included Phu Lam, Tan An, My Tho, Cai Lai, Vinh Long, Can Tho and Soc Trang. |
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1 May PFC Joseph F. Lodise, Jr. a member of the 148th MP Platoon, was the turret gunner on a V100 from the Vinh Long Detachment that responded to the aid of some elements of the 9th Infantry Division engaged in a fire fight with the Viet Cong on Highway QL4 in the My Tho area. PFC Lodise died from an electrical malfunction of the turret guns during the fire fight. But For The Grace of God "As best I can recall a captain was sent down to the 148th in Vinh Long from Saigon to conduct an evaluation of the mission that we were tasked with in the Delta. It seemed as if it was a kind of "what are we accomplishing in the Delta, how are we doing it, and how successful are we" kind of inspection. It was not an I.G. type of inspection. It was somewhat informal in nature. There were two V100’s sent out on that mission. If I recall correctly there were two crew each plus the Captain from Saigon. 1LT Nicholson, our platoon leader, may also have gone on it but I just don't remember. The only other person I remember going out on that missions was an F. Glenn Schaeffer. |
I remember him quite well because I got in touch with him back in 1989 when I went searching for Joe's parents. I wanted to talk to them about that day, and Joe. I felt somewhat responsible for Joe's death. I had been tagged for that mission but pitched a bitch to the Lieutenant since I had not had a day off in quite a while, and that day was to be my first one off. Joe overheard me talking to the Lieutenant and came up to me and said that he wanted to go instead. He had never been out on a mission up to that point, was recently new to the unit and was anxious to get involved. I went with him to talk to the lieutenant who agreed to the switch. I went down to the V100 with Joe and explained what his job was as the gunner. He said he felt comfortable enough to go on the mission and the rest is history. In any event I had remembered that Glenn was from the Philadelphia area. I called directory assistance and obtained Glenn Schaffers parents phone number and in turn his. Glenn and I talked for a while and I obtained Joe's parents phone number. I called them and told them the story about what happened that day. They had never heard that side of of the story. We had a good talk and I got directions from them to the cemetery where Joe was buried. I was working in Washington D.C. at the time so I took a day off and drove up to Philadelphia and visited his grave and finally made my peace with hi." PFC Ronald P. Regulski, 148th MP Platoon, 92nd MP Battalion, 89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, August 1967 to August 1968. |
5 May, Mini-Tet Communist Offensive A Viet Cong sapper team assaulted The Armor House, Headquarters for the Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV) Team #75 in My Tho. Enemy forces gained entry to a portion of the building. In the ensuing fighting MAJ Anthony R. Bellamy and SSG Wilhelm K. Dammer (advisors) were killed in action. |
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August Members of the 188th MP Company find an orphaned Vietnamese boy named Manh living in a truck in My Tho and provide him with the necessities for a better life and give him a home and a new family at the MP detachment. |
His Name Was Manh Life in most circumstances is often an unhappy time for any orphaned boy, especially in the war zone. But for one 13-year-old My Tho youth, a lot of the bleakness has been lessened, for he has found a home and family. Home and family for Manh isn't an orphanage or the My Tho streets but the Combined Police Station and the men of a detachment of the 188th Military Police Company. "We found him in August of 1968 living in a truck," remarked Sergeant Jessee J. Jones, Jr. of New York City. "He would come over every morning with a tooth brush and wash cloth in hand to the station water point. "After several days he got friendlier and hung around more often, often running errands for ourselves or the QC's [Quan Canh's - Vietnamese Military Police]. He picked up some English and soon became a part of the station," said SGT Jones. The boy slept on an Army cot and would get up every morning to clean the station without being asked. The MP's donated clothes and other necessities from time to time, but it was Jones who "adopted" Manh. "We think his parents were killed in "1968 by the Viet Cong,"added Jones. "He had been scrounging for food and clothes and usually slept in the old truck. Now, at least, he has a place to sleep, clothes and a few friends. "Manh has learned to speak English so well that we use him as an interpreter. He is especially familiar with terms used in military police work and so is helpful in speaking with the QC's who do not speak English. "Manh could have became just another youth with no place to go but the streets," said SGT Jones. "But now he has some purpose and something to do. Manh likes it here, and we are glad to have him." The 18th MP Brigade News Paper, The Roundup, April 1970, Author Unknown |
1968 Detachment - Miscellaneous Photograph Index |
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1969 |
31 January On the one year anniversary of his death, the 1st Platoon, 188th MP Company, 92nd MP Battalion, Commanded by CPT Gary M. Freedman, dedicated a monument to SP/4 Leon J. Shrum, 148th MP Platoon, in My Tho. Right: The monument consisting of a plaque on a cement pedestal was erected where SP/4 Shrum died in the Tet ambush > June The My Tho Detachment was assigned to the MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) Advisory Team #75 Detachment just outside of the town, billeted in an old seminary monastery. The detachment patroled Highway QL-4, "Ambush Alley," provided security for the highway mine sweep teams in the mornings, as well as assisted the local ARVN units. |
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1970 |
The 92nd MP Battalion departs Vietnam, 720th MP Battalion operations begin in IV Corps Tactical Zone |
January CPT Robert E. Conner replaces CPT Ray W. Lattimore as the My Tho Detachment commander and the MACV Advisory Team #75's MP advisor to the 7th ARVN Infantry Division. |
5 February the 188th Military Police Company detachment conducting the discipline, law and order assignment in My Tho was reassigned subordinate to the command of the 720th Military Police Battalion when its parent unit the 92nd Military Police Battalion was the first MP Headquarters to be deactivated and withdrawn from Vietnam. |
Prior to the acquisition of the 188th MP Company the 720th MP Battalion had no units or assets in IV Corps Tactical Zone.. Although there are no official military records to verify the start of convoy escort operations, it is believed that at the time of the acquisition the resupply convoys were there after escorted by elements of the 720th MP Battalion. |
April Members of the 188th MP Company were assigned to ride in Quan Cahn (Vietnamese Military Police) V-100’s patroling Highway QL-4 within Dinh Tuong Province in the northern delta region. They assisted the Quan Canh with any traffic problems involving American Forces. |
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19 July A shuffling of members of the 188th MP Company and B Company, 720th MP Battalion began pending the formal September redesignation of the two companies. The exchange also involved personnel from the My Tho Detachment. |
August CPT Robert E. Conner the My Tho Detachment commander and MACV Advisory Team-75's MP advisor was transferred to the 720th MP Battalion as the A Company Commanding Officer. |
The 188th was scheduled for reassignment to DaNang in II Corps Tactical Zone, so to avoid the logistical problem associated with the move, B Company who had just completed their infantry assignment from Operation STABILIZE in the Tactical Area of Responsibility was redesignated as the 188th [senior personnel were split between the companies] and sent to Da Nang to serve subordinate to the 504th MP Battalion, 16th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade. |
In about July or August 1970, the My Tho detachment moved to Dong Tam. SSG Joel Nichols, 188th MP Company, 92nd & 720th MP Battalion, 1969-1970. |
The statement that “In about July or August 1970, the My Tho detachment moved to Dong Tam” is incorrect. It was later, no sooner than September. I commanded the My Tho Detachment through August 1970, when it was still located at the MACV Team 75 “Seminary” compound on the main road from QL-4 into My Tho. CPT Robert E. Conner, 188th MP Company, 92nd & 720th MP Battalion, 1969-1970. |
September B Company of the 720th MP Battalion assumed responsibility for the discipline, law and order missions in IV Corps from the 188th MP Company. The Battalion became tactically responsible for the manning and logistical support of all military police and provost marshal office detachments throughout IV Corps Tactical Zone. |
1970 Detachment - Miscellaneous Photograph Index |
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Below are two photographs I took in May 2015 of what used to be the “Seminary” compound in My Tho within which the MP Detachment was attached to MACV Team 75. The compound, still sporting a volley ball net, is, and has been for some time, a National Police Training Academy on what has been renamed Ap Bac street.
My Tho is now in Tien Giang, province, after Dinh Tuong province and Go Cong were merged in February 1976. |
2015 The MACV Team 75 “Seminary” compound. Courtesy of CPT Robert E. Conner. |
2015 The MACV Team 75 “Seminary” compound. Courtesy of CPT Robert E. Conner. |
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1971 |
The Vietnamization of the Mekong Delta Region takes it toll on MP manpower |
4 July The Battalion in a crackdown on black marketing activities was required to position one MP at the entrance and exit to the post exchange facilities at My Tho to insure that only authorized personnel used the exchange and that customers did not abuse their rations privileges. |
7 July The Battalion was required to provide twenty enlisted men to the United States Army Republic of Vietnam (USARV) Installation Stockade, "LBJ," at Long Binh Post. The manpower transfer resulted in a reduction in discipline, law and order functions at My Tho. |
1971 Detachment - Miscellaneous Photograph Index |
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Overflight approach to My Tho City. | |
G2239 ? |
SP/4's Greg Pro, Dennis Whittenauer, Jerry Davis and unidentified MP. |
G2240 ? |
SP/4's Greg Pro, Jerry Davis, unidentified MP, TC's and QC. |
G2370 ? |
Unidentified TC who worked combined patrols. |
Truck Load of MP's. |
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1972 |
March With the move of B Company headquarters from Vinh Long in IV Corps Tactical Zone back to Long Binh Post in III Corps Tactical Zone, a five man detachment remained assigned to MACV Advisory Team #68 in Can Tho. This B Company Detachment, equipped with two V100 armored cars, continued the convoy escort duties. It is unknown at this time if a similar arrangement was made for My Tho. |
Official Battalion records do not show any activity at the My Tho detachment during 1972, however they also do not show if and when the detachment stood down. If you can provide the missing information, please contact the History Project Manager via the Email Link at the top of this page. |
1972 Detachment - Miscellaneous Photograph Index |
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