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To better understand the situation in Occupied Japan that affected the mission of the battalion, one must also be aware of the diplomatic, political and civil climate of the United States, world and Japanese theater of operations at that time. |
All major theater improvements, Cold War events or incidents, including those relative to the Korean War that affected the 720th MP Battalion’s force allocations, training, operations, deployments, morale or history are shown in blue American Typewriter Font. |
Security Duty, Tokyo, Japan |
January |
At the start of the year the 720th Military Police Battalion and its organic units, HQ&HQ Detachment, HQ Company, Able, Baker and Dog Companies, a Medical and Signal Detachment were located in Camp Burness at Z Avenue and 20th Street Tokyo, Occupied Japan subordinate to Headquarters & Service Group, General Headquarters (GHQ), Far East Command under the operational control of the Provost Marshal, Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Charlie Company had been inactivated, reflagged and deployed to South Korea as the X Corps MP Company (Provisional). There was little news of battalion participation in interleague sports programs other than boxing and basketball, and in the latter they had a lackluster season hardly worth mentioning. |
Personal Reflections |
“Our compound had a good snack bar, a PX run by Doyt Pritchard, and a hell of a club where I learned to drink too often and too much. Margot Quinn was one of our USO workers, loved by us all. The library was well-supplied, and with the help of Dewey Rackley, a vet of World War-II, I started reading again- a habit I have never abandoned.” CPL (COL Retired) Thomas P. Chisholm, Medical Detachment, 1948-1952. |
Although there is no specific mention in the available official records, according to the photographic records, sometime in 1951 the battalion began to provide sedans to supplement their motorized patrols. The sedan was not new to the battalion; their earlier use was limited to the battalion commander, area Provost Marshal, and other field grade officers. The sedans also provided a psychological benefit by de-militarizing the look of the military occupational law enforcement authority to the Japanese people. |
The first sedans were standard Army inventory 1951 Chevrolet Fleetline, 4 doors. They were great for metropolitan use on clean paved roadways, but in the photographs, were always found parked in the motor pool lot during winter snowstorms. |
Personal Reflections |
"Surprisingly, the adjustment to driving on the left hand side of the street or road, came rather easily to most of us. Personal and group pride in appearance and performance was a hallmark signature of the battalion. The battalion motor pool mechanics that repaired and serviced our jeeps, trucks and sedans, were no exception. Most of them took great pride in providing us with safe, serviceable and spotless vehicles, and we in turn were expected to do-diligence in returning them at the end of a tour. Most traffic patrol duty was pulled in the old reliable [rag top] jeep, but since they were gradually being replaced by the 1951 Chevrolets, occasionally we were happy to be assigned a black-and-white sedan." PFC Patrick L. Cook, Able Company, 1951-1953. |
The battalion was in the process of forming a new Charlie Company and bringing it up to TO&E strength. The core personnel were drawn from Headquarters, Able, Baker, and Dog Companies. Many of the new personnel sent to the battalion had no prior military police training or experience, and were trained by the battalion at Camp Burness. |
While the personnel situation improved somewhat, it nevertheless continued to be one of the major problems during most of the year. SACP Headquarters instituted a program of utilizing Japanese Security Guards to provide a Japanese face and a second layer of manpower to their occupational security mission in and around the GHQ buildings and installations throughout the city. The new guard units operated under the auspices of the Provost Marshal, Metropolitan Tokyo. The battalion was tasked with the added responsibility of providing officers and senior NCO’s to staff their training program at Camp Burness. Emphasis was given throughout the year to all types of training, and all companies participated in overnight tactical problems at Camp Palmer. The battalion’s primary duties expanded only in as much as the formation of two specialized units to further enhance their capabilities. The exact dates of these changes were not mentioned so we do not know under whose command they first originated. |
Personal Reflections |
"Following a period of initial in-house schooling by Headquarters Company, and field orientation by the operating companies, we were assigned to the operating companies to begin field duty. It should be noted that regularly scheduled additional schooling programs later augmented this initial training. |
Shortly after my Company A assignment I was called to Headquarters Company, and given the choice of remaining with Company A or transferring to Headquarters Company to manage the battalion Army Post Office (APO No. 500). I chose to remain with Able and the lure of field duty.” PFC Patrick L. Cook, Company A, 1951-1953. |
Since the occupation of Japan began, the battalion set a record very few police departments in the United States can equal. Ninety percent of all stolen vehicles have been recovered and the city has one of the lowest crime rates of any large city in the world. This was contributed to largely by the combination patrols of Military Policemen and Japanese Policemen who have worked together with outstanding cooperation. |
The line companies of Able, Baker, Charlie and Dog rotated the law enforcement mission in the city of Tokyo. Each company was assigned a specific shift and would relieve the company ahead of them. The shifts were also rotated on a regular basis. The patrol coverage was so extensive that the average call to response time anywhere in the city was less than three minutes. The secondary mission was a mobile battalion alert force (Alert Company) maintained for rapid deployment in the event of an emergency. Because of the two primary missions assigned to the battalion, the provost marshal and battalion commander agreed to an eight-week cycle and a bi-weekly company rotation schedule for the letter companies. At any one time three companies were performing security, discipline, law and order enforcement duties in Tokyo, and one company (the 4th) could engage in training. The company “coming on duty” was designated as the Alert Company. Its personnel had to remain in the battalion compound during the hours preceding it’s starting the law enforcement mission shift. |
The old "Boots and Saddles" bugle call over the compound loudspeaker was the signal for the Alert Company to stop whatever they were doing and immediately stand formation for deployment. Frequent test were made to insure readiness. To insure a quick response, the night before a company’s assignment for alert duty, they were not permitted to leave the compound. |
Personal Reflections |
“The first information we got as new members was that we were restricted for two weeks to the battalion area. I still think that was in order to get us used to the nearby fish market smell. I enjoyed everything about my tour, not least being the good times partaking of Japanese beer in the “Off Limits” beer halls. But one 720th routine no one was very happy with was the practice alerts. We had them each month and they were announced by the melody of “Boots and saddles” over the public address system. We didn’t mind the alerts too much, but what really ticked me off was that they always seemed to be called just as we sat down to eat, with a tray full of food in front of us. It was a waste of a lot of good eats, but we learned to live with it.” SGT Bernard L. Rohlman, Able Company, 1950-1953. There were also two special law enforcement details; a Traffic Unit and the AWOL Apprehension Unit. They operated under the supervision of the Provost Marshal Office Investigation Section (PMIS). The supervisory personnel came from HQ Company and were assigned as Military Police Investigative Section (MPIS) and the line MP's as PMIS, (2 MP's) from each of the line companies. |
The AWOL Apprehension Unit was staffed by MSG George J. Huberth and SSG Adolph E. Favale of HQ Company. |
The line MP’s from Able Company were- CPL Abel Gonzales, CPL Irvin “Bud” Myers, and later CPL William Turner, CPL Donald Myers. |
Baker Company- CPL Ernest J. Bordelon, CPL Theodore Schallme and later CPL Joseph J. Moynihaa. |
Charlie Company- SGT Rudolph Temlin, CPL William A. Blackburn. |
Dog Company- CPL Ralph E. C. Keith, CPL Edward J. Seckinger. |
They wore plain uniforms with infantry collar brass. Each carried a small armband that they would put on identifying themselves as MP's when making an “armed” apprehension, and the also carried their PMI identification cards. |
Guard mounts were held in the front courtyard of Camp Burness, with most of the duty traffic passing through the rear gate. |
The Korea to Tokyo Rest & Relaxation (R&R) program also presented other problems endemic to multinational law enforcement, especially in the military when dealing with soldiers seeking the pleasures of the Ginza entertainment strip as a break to combat and the hard conditions of life in the field. Besides the U.S. and British Commonwealth countries, there were seventeen other participating Allied countries sending their troops on R&R. |
Personal Reflections |
“In general, the United Nations troops were hard nosed, veteran, career oriented professionals who came to Tokyo with a large backlog of pay checks and two weeks to spend and enjoy themselves before returning to deadly duty in Korea. |
With many of them speaking little or no English, and most of them in carefree, partying mode, it isn’t difficult to visualize the problem potential for the battalion patrols.” |
One specific situation was the foot patrol assignments in the Ginza entertainment areas. Along the way were several highly popular, night club style entertainment centers or dance halls, which were nearly always at full capacity in a new years eve type mode, as the R&R U.S. and U.N. troops celebrated, from the Korea danger. |
Some of the Provost Marshal and battalion policy makes favored the so called Show-the-Flag routine of preventative checks of these centers, while most of the old guard [veterans] and street wise MP’s regarded them as unnecessarily provocative in nature, and unproductive in results. |
To me, the instant pall, somber mood and almost angry silence that befell the scene when our uniformed presence was noticed, was reason enough to seek ways to avoid it when possible. |
Again, suffice it to say, that while some altercations were not avoidable, the combined use of common sense and humane application of orderly regulation, was often the best way to defuse or contain many of them. ” PFC Patrick L. Cook, Able Company, 1951-1953. |
1 January GEN Mac Arthur sent the Joint Chiefs of Staff a memorandum expressing his assessment that, “we were going to have difficulty staying in Korea.” It was primarily based on the major effort of Communist China to hold Korea for a protracted period.
President Truman sent GEN MacArthur a memorandum telling him to, “exercise great prudence lest the war be broadened beyond Korea." |
19 January Disciplinary Reports issued by the battalion patrols to violators of SCAP Off Limits regulations in Tokyo found it tough going during December 1950. LTC Erwin A. Jones, the Headquarters & Service Commands Judge Advocate, announced that of the twenty-two off limits apprehensions, five NCO’s were reduced in rank to privates, four received fines as high as $50.00, three received both fines and restrictions, six received restrictions, and four received hard labor without confinement. |
20 January The officers and enlisted members of the battalion celebrated their ninth anniversary with several special events. An Anniversary Ball was held at the officers club, will all proceedings donated to the March of Dimes campaign, while a special dance and floorshow was held at the enlisted men’s club. The cutting of the special cake, at the officers club was a joint ceremony performed by LTC Kenworthy, LTC William C. Smith the executive officer, and MAJ Harold L. Funk battalion S-3. |
30 January The wounded patients at the military hospitals in Tokyo vicinity were to be honored at a special showing of Kabuki Drama sponsored by the Entertainment Branch of the Special Services Section of GHQ, through the courtesy of the Shochuku theater and motion picture company. With the increase of troops going to and from Korea, and the ferrying of casualties to and from the harbor and airports, busses were at a premium. |
To solve the problem of transportation to and from the show, GHQ called upon the many Tokyo area command units, to include the battalion, to step-up and handle the special transportation needed. |
February |
16 February The retreating U.N. forces pushed east in North Korea gathered at Wonsan Harbor, where ships awaited to evacuate them south to Pusan. With the war now going badly, GEN MacArthur increased his public criticisms of the Truman administrations foreign policy positions relative to Communist China. |
20 February LTC Aubrey S. Kenworthy passed command of the Battalion to LTC Alvin B. Welsch during a pass and review ceremony in the Camp Burness compound. Also departing the battalion under the same rotation policy as LTC Kenworthy were, MAJ William C. Ghan the commanding officer of Able Company, and CPT W. E. Doyle chief, Repairs and Utilities Section, HQ & HQ Detachment. 22 February To celebrate the birthday of GEN George Washington, our first president and commander in chief, SGT Milburn D. Cox of Charlie Company had the honor of dressing up in a colonial general’s uniform and pose as GEN Washington during a ceremony to inspect the interior guard of the battalion at Camp Burness. |
March |
Exact Date Unknown A platoon of 40 enlisted men and 2 officers were placed on special duty with the Office of the Provost Marshal, Metropolitan Tokyo Area. This platoon was designated a Military Tribunal Guard and performed duties escorting and guarding prisoners being tried for subversive activities in connection with the Korean War. |
April |
Exact Date Unknown A platoon of 41 enlisted men and two officers were furnished by the battalion to be assigned as Honor Guard at XVI Corps reactivation ceremony at Sendai, Japan. 11 April President Truman relieved GEN MacArthur of all command duties. U.S. Secretary of War George Marshal stated MacArthur's removal stemmed from, "the wholly unprecedented position of a local theater commander publicly expressing his displeasure at and his disagreement with the foreign and military policy of the United States." The General knew the soldiers code. He broke it, and for that the president relieved him. |
Truman’s actions shocked the American people, yet several of our closest U.N. allies, including Britain and France, thought it was long overdue. GEN Matthew B. Ridgeway replaced him as Commander Far East. According to many observers at the time, Ridgeway ‘s personality was the complete opposite of MacArthur’s. He neither expected or required special rules of status as the supreme commander, was never aloof, always cordial and respectful, and displayed much less formality with the Japanese Emperor, heads of government, and the people . |
GEN MacArthur Departs Japan |
12 April In the evening battalion patrols provided traffic and crowd control at the Supreme Command Allied Powers (SCAP) Headquarters at the Di Ichi building in downtown Tokyo when GEN MacArthur accompanied by MG Courtney Whitney, the generals secretary, and COL Lawrence E. Bubker the generals aide, departed his headquarters for what was believed to be the last time. 16 April The entire battalion participated in the departure ceremonies for GEN MacArthur. 1LT (MG Retired) Paul M. Timmerberg, the battalion S3, was in charge of the general’s escort detail at the Embassy. LTC Welsch commanded the overall operation that involved a total of forty-three vehicles and 241 officers and enlisted personnel. They provided traffic control points at fifteen intersections, embassy security, motorcade security, route security and airport departure security. Their operational radio call sign was “Rainbow.” |
Prior to the generals departure there was a brief reception held at his residence behind the U.S. Embassy. In attendance were dozens of civilian dignitaries and high ranking officers of the Far East Command. The Emperor visited him at the embassy in person, the first time a Japanese Emperor had ever visited a foreigner with no official standing. The Japanese Diet passed a resolution of gratitude, and the Mainichi newspaper editorial stated- MacArthur's dealt with the Japanese people not as a conqueror but a great reformer. He was a noble political missionary. What he gave us was not material aid and democratic reform alone, but a new way of life, the freedom and dignity of the individual.... We shall continue to love and trust him as one of the Americans who best understood Japan's position. At 0630 hours, the motorcade departed with the battalion motorcycle unit in the lead. It wound its way through the streets of Tokyo under a drizzling rain for the twelve-mile trip to the Haneda Airport. |
Stationed at every intersection along the route were details of battalion MP’s providing traffic and crowd control. Along the entire parade route thousands of Japanese (estimated at 250,000) with their umbrellas lined both sides of the route, waiving miniature American and Japanese flags. Their love and respect for the general was evident by the streams of tears that ran down their faces as they shouted, “Sayonara, Makassar! Sayonara, Makassar!” They were bowing their heads, and many knelt in a show of respect as the general’s car passed by. As the motorcade turned left to the airport entrance and began the last half-mile of the trip, hundreds of U.S. troops stood at parade rest on both sides of the road. As the general’s car passed, they sharply snapped to attention and presented arms. A total of sixty-five MP’s were assigned to crowd control duties at the airport. Prior to boarding his plane (first named “Bataan” and later renamed “SCAP,” the acronym for Supreme Commander Allied Powers Japan), the general inspected his personal honor guard for the last time. As he reached the top of the stairway, the last person to board, he turned and waved to the crowd. As the plane taxied for takeoff, the Army band struck up the familiar strains of “Auld Lang Syne." |
The mission was a success, and there were no major incidents reported. |
Editors Note: In 1995 the Battalion Reunion Association published their book “Soldiers Of The Gauntlet, memories of the 720th Military Police Battalion, United States Army 1942-1992.” Mrs. Jean MacArthur, widow of GEN Douglas MacArthur was asked to submit her memories of the 720th for the Preface. |
Personal Reflections |
“Yours is an enviable record of selflessness and military achievement, one part of which it was my privilege to observe at close hand when the General [Douglas MacArthur] and I resided in Tokyo. Your professionalism in providing security for us, your vigilance and efficiency, and your many extra kindnesses eased the burden of responsibilities during that difficult time.
To all of you, God's blessing and protection." |
Jean MacArthur |
Mrs. Douglas MacArthur |
Editors Note: The original letter is in the possession of the Selovich family. |
18 April Headquarters & Service Command’s Public Information officer announced that their 1951 Red Cross campaign brought in a total of $7,204.00 and 6,477 Yen. Among the leading contributors (3rd place) was the battalion with a donation of $408.00. |
Headquarters & Service Command’s Surgeon’s Office issued an order that all dependents must receive a compulsory stimulating dose of typhoid vaccine. The order included a strict schedule for dependents living in occupation housing at Pershing Heights, Grant Heights and U.S. Houses in that area, and all other dependents living in the Tokyo metropolitan area. |
19 April Headquarters & Service Commands boxing league opened with a program of six bouts at Memorial Hall in Tokyo. The featured bout was a three-round exhibition contest between middleweights SGT Robert Edens of Charlie Company, and Hachiro Tatsumi of Tokyo, the Japanese middleweight national champion. |
SGT Edens was an up and coming fan favorite who was know for his quick speed, jabbing prowess and powerful body punching. Tatsumi’s professional boxing career began in 1947, and his record leading up to this exhibition fight showed him to be a real scrapper also known for his speed, boxing skills and endurance rather than knockout power. |
Edens was clearly the crowd favorite for the match, which fulfilled its prefight hype with three rounds of quality boxing by both fighters that ended in a draw. An undercard fight involved another battalion fighter, CPL Thomas P. Chisholm of Headquarters Company, who lost to Abel Alvarez of the 293rd Army Band. Tatsumi’s boxing career continued until 3 June 1961, ending with record of 111 fights, 79 wins (19 KO’s), 26 losses (2 KO’s), and 6 draws. The exhibition bout was not included in his professional record. SGT Edens would go on to win twelve straight intramural fights as a member of the Headquarters & Service Command team during the remainder of the team’s 1951 boxing season. 21 April (Photo Left) MG Edwin P. Parker, Jr., U.S. Army Provost Marshal, inspected 720th Honor Guard at Camp Burness. |
May |
3 May In Japan the day is celebrated as Constitution Day, the day the current Japanese Constitution came into effect in 1947. Most organized labor rallies are held on 1 May, the day adopted by the socialist and communist labor movement as their International Workers Day. The 4,000 member Sochyo Trade Unionists, generally not considered a Communist front organization, decided to hold their demonstration on 3 May at the Imperial Palace Plaza after earlier having been forbidden by the police to hold a separate rally at the event. Before the unionists had arrived, there were 20,000 Japanese already gathered at the Plaza for the scheduled program of speeches by Japanese government officials, and a visit by Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako. During the Constitution Day program, the unionist slowly filtered into the crowd. |
Ten minutes before the ceremonies concluded, approximately 200 members of the Trade Union linked arms and marched across the plaza singing a Japanese May Day song. They clashed with the police who immediately arrested those who appeared to be the leaders, and formed a line to separate the unionists from the rest of the crowd. Police reported that about one third of the demonstrators were university students. There was only one minor injury suffered by a woman in the crowd. Earlier six union members were arrested for handing out leaflets opposing an alleged government plan to rearm Japan, a rumor started by the Japanese Communist Party. |
Since this was a civil event and no occupation force members or dependents were involved in the ceremonies, battalion MP’s were present to watch over any that were attending to observe the festivities and speeches, and remained in the background. |
9 May At the Headquarters & Service Command’s Special Services boxing show at Memorial Hall, the featured match of the evening was between SGT Earl Wilkerson of the Air Force vs. SGT Robert "Bobby" Edens of Charlie Company. Given the pre-fight press coverage it was clear that SGT Wilkerson was considered the clear favorite over his Army MP challenger. |
As stated in the Stars & Stripes Newspaper- SGT Wilkerson, from Jacksonville, Florida, had risen from the novice class to one of the Far East Command’s outstanding boxers since his arrival in Japan last year. Fighting as a middleweight, he won championship trophies in the two recent in-service tournaments at Haneda Air Base and, in the welterweight class he took the honors in the Tokyo area Air Force boxing tournament. He was referred to as, “the pride of Haneda Air Base.” |
Almost like an afterthought, they reported in the same article that- SGT Edens will be remembered for his splendid showing against Hirachi Tatsumi, the Japanese middleweight champion, in their recent no-decision exhibition bout at Memorial Hall. |
Another battalion fighter appeared in one of eight undercard bouts prior to the feature match. CPL (LTC Retired) Thomas P. Chisholm from the battalion Medical Detachment won a TKO over PFC Igo Shigeiu of Headquarters Company, AWOL Unit, in one and three-quarters minutes of the second round. However, the 1,500 cheering fight fans made it clear they came to see the Wilkerson vs. Eden match, and they weren’t disappointed, that is, unless they were expecting an easy Wilkerson victory. |
The two middleweights gave it their all, pounding each other from start to finish, and when the score cards were tallied after the final bell, SGT Edens was the victor in a two to one decision by the judges. The scrappy Army MP became the “pride of the 720th,” while the airman now had some explaining to do to his fans from Haneda.
"Bobby Edens got me interested in amateur boxing, and I found a place on the GHQ boxing squad the first winter of the war. I suppose it’s like jumping out of a plane- you just have to prove you can do it. I got the name “Canvasback” Chisholm, and I wondered if those blows to my head, to this brain, influenced adversely some of the questionable decisions I have made over the years. Representing the MP’s did not help my cause either.” CPL (LTC Retired), Thomas P. Chisholm, 1949-1952.
10 May U.S. Defense Secretary George C Marshall testified before the Senate Armed Services-Foreign Relations Committee investigating GEN MacArthur’s dismissal, that the United States is “not in a position” to adopt GEN MacArthur’s victory program in Korea because it is not strong enough to risk a third world war. Russia might feel “compelled” to jump into the war if MacArthur’s proposals were adopted because otherwise Red China would feel “let down,” and the consequences to the Soviet program would be “very disastrous.” |
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D), Texas, (who in a decade, and as a president would have the Vietnam War as his own to deal with) questioned Marshall about MacArthur’s charges and the nations readiness for a general war. Marshall responded solemnly, “We are not in a position now to take measures which, we will say, were characterized by MacArthur as the opposite of defeatist measures. We are gathering our strength as rapidly as we can. We certainly do not want to become involved in a world struggle at any time, and certainly not prior to the time we are reasonably prepared to meet it.” Sen. Johnson asked, “Do you think we are presently prepared to meet it?” Marshal said, “I am quite certain we are not.” |
11 May The trial of eighteen defendants, sixteen Koreans and two Japanese nationals charged with espionage and spying for the North Korean Peoples Army (NKPA), began at the International Provost Court in Tokyo. They were the first group of a total of forty-five defendants rounded up during an 18-month investigation by members of a Tokyo detachment of the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps. The ringleader and primary defendant, MAJ Yoshimatsu Iwamura age 38, of the NKPA, who was found to have in his possession numerous documents including the operation plans for the Inchon amphibious landing at the time of his arrest in on 9 September 1950. |
The group was represented by four appointed U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Corps lawyers, and twelve Japanese defense lawyers, and tried by a military tribunal consisting of four U.S. Army colonels, and one lieutenant colonel. The chief prosecutor was MAJ. Robert M. Murray, who had one Army major and one American civilian lawyer as his assistants. If convicted, the group, whose ages ranged from twenty to forty-five, faced a maximum of ten years at hard labor. Military police and Japanese Metropolitan Police were responsible for overall security. The military policemen assigned as security in the courtroom, and security of the groups transportation to and from Sugamo Prison every day, are members of a special forty MP composite unit of the four organic companies of the 720th MP Battalion lead by 1LT Frank J. Pons of Dog Company. |
On the first day of proceedings the MPs had to wrestle with defendant Lee Chang Suk who refused to wear his numbered identification card on a string hung from around his neck. The courtroom was cleared of spectators until the defendant was brought under control and the matter was rectified. |
During a press briefing in Atlantic City, New Jersey, MG A. C. McAuliffe, chief of the U.S. Army Chemical Corps, said the U.S. was developing “wonder weapons” which are the “basis for our hope of avoiding World War III.” |
MG McAuliffe further stated, “The wonder weapons we now are working on are expensive. But they can prove a wise investment, therefore, we must continue an extensive scientific program aimed at equipping our forces and the force of our allies with such advanced and superior weapons that should they be put to use, they can overcome the over whelming numerical advantage of our potential enemies.” |
The only hint as to the nature of such weapons, was the general’s statement that, “biological and radiological agents as weapons are as yet, unproved in warfare.” |
13 May The conservative cabinet of two-term Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, sought to revise the 3-year old decentralized police system. They submitted a draft bill to the Diet [Japanese Parliament] calling for an increase of 5,000 personnel for the centrally controlled national rural police, and authorizing small communities to incorporate their police forces into the national organization. |
The proposal would also enable the national police to extend its operations to areas under a local police when requested to do so by a provincial governor. This would permit nationwide police action against subversive programs, major disorders, counterfeiting and other crimes with potential nationwide significance. |
14 May As the espionage trial progressed, the special battalion forty MP security unit, commanded by 1LT Frank J. Pons, quickly earned the nickname of “Franks Fearless 40.” |
The members of the press media, who were covering the trial daily, gave them their new nickname. “Their giving us no trouble,” said 1LT Pons. “We had to put a stop to their singing on the bus the first day.” “My boys like music fine, but not the North Korean national anthem.” Family members of the eighteen defendants quickly became adept at slipping notes and messages to them, first wrapping the message in handkerchiefs, and passing them along with the help of the Japanese defense council. The MPs, whose pre-trial training made them intensely security conscious, were ever vigilant and quickly caught on to the diversion. They would let the smuggled notes reach their destinations, then seize them and turn them over to Army Intelligence agents for translation. |
15 May John Foster Dulles (R), then an attorney and former U.S. Senator from New York, President Truman’s special envoy for a Japanese peace treaty, predicted that, “GEN MacArthur’s dismissal will have an “adverse effect” on the Japanese people. “MacArthur was a symbol of a just and quick peace.” Now, he added, this symbol has been “struck down.” |
Dulles believed that the primary goal of the Soviet’s in the Far East is Japan, and that the Communist attack on South Korea was part of a Soviet plan to dominate Japan. |
16 May At the ongoing espionage trial in Tokyo, one of the primary defendants, Kim Pyung So, decided to become a witness for the prosecution and testified against its controller MAJ Iwamura. The defendant was instrumental in recruiting and collecting documents from his Korean partners pertaining to U.S. arms inventories on Hokkaido.
To insure his safety from reprisals by the other seventeen defendants, he was flanked in the courtroom and on the prison bus by a special guard consisting of two armed MPs from the battalion’s special security detail. |
27 May In a radio announcement, U.S. Civil Defense Administrator Millard Caldwell, said that, “We know Russia possesses the bombs [Atomic Bombs], possesses the bombers and know how to blast major American cities any day she wants to do it, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The cold fact is even worse. We do not believe the Air Force can stop or deflect thirty percent of the [Soviet] planes.” He also blasted Congress for “fumbling” the ball on civil defense. |
31 May The new law Congress passed on 5 May 1950 and signed by President Truman amending and revamping the century old Articles of War into a new Uniform Code of Military Justice was enacted. |
Editors Note: The new Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) became effective throughout all branches of the United States Armed Forces. |
Before the enactment of the new UCMJ, colonial military law was based on the laws of the British Admiralty. On 30 June 1775, the Second Continental Congress established sixty-nine Articles of War to govern the conduct of the new Continental Army. |
Effective upon its ratification in 1789, Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution provided that Congress had the power to regulate the land and naval forces. On 10 April 1806, the U.S. Congress enacted 101 Articles of War (which applied then to the Army and the Navy), which were not significantly revised until the new UCMJ was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Truman on 5 May 1950. |
The word “Uniform” in the Code’s title refers to the congressional intent to make military justice uniform or consistent among the armed services. |
June |
Exact Date Unknown The long awaited military integration program finally reached the battalion with the arrival of fifty new [sic] “Negro” enlisted men, all of whom possessed very fine qualifications for military police work. The new troops were integrated into the five companies; they soon performed in an outstanding manner. |
Personal Reflections |
"Because of President and Commander in Chiefs Harry Truman’s order to fully integrate all U.S. Armed Forces, the incoming replacement troops had increased numbers of Black American soldiers.
To the battalion’s credit, over a period of time, the officers and men of the 720th quietly achieved that mandated goal without major incident or disruption of primary mission.” PFC Patrick L. Cook, Able Company, 1951-1953. |
Editors Note: There were no available lists or other separate rosters, so the only resources available to determine the number of soldiers of African American decent first assigned to the battalion in 1951 was by the 25 December Year Book photographs, a very unscientific method at best. Unfortunately, the 1951 yearbook displayed only (group) company photographs, so there was no way to determine the ranks of the new soldiers, except in the Headquarters Detachment officers staff sections, in which there were none. |
The following numbers were obtained based on a head count from the company group photographs: Headquarters Company 2 of 55; Able Company 6 of 79; Baker Company 7 of 65; Charlie Company 6 of 74; Dog Company 6 of 88, for a total of 27. |
By December of 1952 the U.S. Armed Forces integration program had been in effect in the battalion for approximately eighteen-months. It should also be noted that there were other soldiers of what would today be referred to by progressive racial separation politics as “minority” decent, who were serving as senior NCO’s and military policemen in years past, before the Truman integration order. |
Based on the December 1952 Year Book, the last of four that were discovered, which included individual photographs of all the battalion soldiers, there were still no officers of African American decent serving, however, there was 1 senior NCO, a Master Sergeant, 2 Sergeants (E5), 22 Corporals (E4), and 13 Privates (E1 & E2), for a total of 38. |
1-2 June Headquarters & Service Command Entertainment Unit sponsored a two-day production called “A Study in Boogie” by the Nichigeki Dancing Team at the Ernie Pyle Theater in downtown Tokyo. More than fifty Japanese and Allied personnel participated in the performance. The battalion’s own SGT John Rainy was one of the featured performers in the musical revue. |
19 June As a result of the Korean War and the expanding Communist Soviet containment policy in Europe, Congress amended the Selective Service Act of 1948, and replaced it with the new Universal Military Training and Service Act, Public Law 82-51 Chapter 144, passed by the 82nd Congress and signed into law by President Truman. It allowed for the drafting of enough troops to meet the new statutory requirements for minimum daily service of, Army 837,000, Navy, including Marine Corps 666,832, and Air Force 502,000, exclusive of reserve components on active duty training, officer candidates, or those members of the armed forces employed in the Selective Service System. |
The new law lowered the draft age from 19 to 18 & ½ years of age, increased active-duty service time from 21 to 24 months, and set the statutory term of military service at a minimum of eight years. Students attending a college or training program full-time could request an exemption, which was extended as long as they were students. A Universal Military Training clause was inserted that would have made all males obligated to perform at least 12 months of military service and training if the Act was amended by later legislation. Despite successive attempts by Congress to do so in the following years, the activation of the clause was never passed. |
20 June As the result of another flood of counterfeit military payment certificates hitting the Far East Command area, especially in Japan and South Korea, the fourth secret Conversion Day was conducted where approximately 100 million dollars in Military Payment Certificates of series 472 was withdrawn from circulation, and converted to the new series 481 notes. |
The battalion patrols responded to the discovery of the body of PVT Lynford Merrell, unit unknown, of Tucson, Arizona that was found floating in the Imperial Plaza moat across the street from the General Headquarters Building. The CID responded to conduct an investigation of the incident. |
22 June With the death of Japan’s beloved Empress Dowager (empress mother) age 66, and the mother of Emperor Showa, and consort (spouse) of former Emperor Taisho on 17 May. |
For the ceremonial Shinto funeral procession, rites and internment that drew a crowd estimated at one million people, the streets along the 250-yard long procession route were closed to all traffic from 0730 hours until 0916 hours. Battalion MP’s were assigned to assist the Tokyo police with the traffic detour’s, provide crowd security at the special Allied personnel procession viewing and parking areas at the intersection of 15th and Meiji street’s, and assist with personal security for Mrs. (GEN) Ridgeway, and the SCAP Chief of Staff LTG Hickey and his wife. GEN Ridgeway was in South Korea and unable to attend. |
25 June Battalion patrols responded to the death of an enlisted man from a quartermaster unit after he reportedly fell from a 170-foot smokestack at the Tokyo Quartermaster Depot. Several witnesses said they saw the soldier ascending the smokestack on a ladder. The CID responded to conduct an investigation of the circumstances of the incident. |
July |
Exact Date Unknown The Battalion Soldier of the Month Award for July resulted in a tie between CPL Dwight W. Pressley of HQ Company and CPL James M. Garvey of Dog Company. |
4 July During the Inter-Service Sports Association boxing tournament at Memorial Hall in Tokyo, Charlie Company’s SGT Bobby Edens twelve bout winning streak as a member of the Headquarters & Service Command’s boxing team came to an end with a loss to welterweight A. E. Miller of Yokosuka Air Force Base. |
10 July U.N. delegates began meeting with the Communist’s in Kaesong, Southeastern North Korea, to discuss an armistice. Each negotiating team consisted of five members, with Vice Admiral C. Turner Joy (U.S. Navy) as the U.N. chairman, and GEN Nam Il, of the NKPA the Communist chairman. |
The meetings would go on for years with the NKP constantly issuing a long list of ridiculous demands to include the size, shape and height of the table used. |
20 July The SCAP International Provost Court hearing the espionage charges against seventeen of the eighteen Korean-Japanese spy’s, returned a guilt verdict on 41 of the 44 counts, which ranged from acts inimical to the security of the occupation, quasi espionage and conspiracy to commit espionage. The eighteenth defendant, a Korean, was dropped from the trial. All faced a maximum of ten years at hard labor. Trials of the remaining 27 defendants followed. |
23 July Renowned comedian and actor Jack Benny and a troupe of entertainers put on a show at the Ernie Pyle Theater to entertain a crowd of 4,200 U.N. patients and other military and civilian personnel. Benny’s impromptu ad-lib's and off-stage clowning kept the crowd in laughter during the hour and a half long show Other members of the troupe were dancer Delores Gay, singer Benay Venuta, pianist June Bruner, and guitarist Frank Remley. Part of the program included a skit in which Mr. Benny was escorted from the stage by two military policemen after members of the troupe reported he had been illicitly “soliciting” funds from the audience for another Tokyo shopping tour. The MP’s who took part in the skit were CPL Billy McNamee of Van Wert, Ohio, and SFC Henry Smart of Jacksonville, Florida, both members of Dog Company. |
August |
21 August The Tokyo Area Provost Marshal’s Office received a letter from a Japanese Policeman complementing two MP’s of a battalion jeep patrol who stopped o render him assistance. The Provost Marshal sent the letter along to LTC Welsch with his endorsement. LTC Welsch commended the two MP’s, and presented them with a complimentary letter and a copy of Police Officer Michivama’s letter. One of the two MP’s was CPL Gerald J. Goedderz of Dog Company, 1949-1952, the other remains unidentified.
I am a policeman serving in the 6th District Patrol Car Unit of the Metropolitan [Tokyo] Police department. Yesterday [20 August], when I had trouble with my motorcar, I was assisted by two members (helmet numbers 838 and 840) of the 720th Military Police... and I was much moved by their lofty behavior and was made to reflect upon my own attitude. Therefore, I would like to... express my heartfelt appreciation for their kindness rendered to me. To go more in details... I was on my way back to my unit... when my car came to a stop due to engine trouble. As the place was congested, I could not make a move with onlookers surrounding me, and I was at a loss without anyone to help me. |
Two Military Policemen who were riding in a jeep came by and, getting off their car without wasting any time, helped me push my car to a side of the Palace Moat, where they began to repair my car. |
It was soon after 1300 hours [1:00pm] and the hottest time of the day. Nevertheless, they... came to us, troubling themselves by handling screw drivers and wrenches, and ignoring their getting oil-stained; they assisted me... from beginning to end as if there were working on their own car. The repair work lasted for nearly an hour but, to our regret, the motorcar would not be repaired. So it was towed. |
These two men were sincere, painstaking, and kind to everyone. I was deeply moved by their attitude, which reflected upon my attitude... Although I have been serving as a policeman who is required to be a public servant, I used to be dogmatic, arrogant, and unkind. I introspected myself and became ashamed of myself. I was deeply sorry for the attitude I had assumed [was]... like attitude of the Occupation Forces personnel, but when I came across these two men I was impressed... by the diligence, friendliness, and decency of the Americans. |
With the peace treaty approaching near, we, the Japanese, should be more responsible for our work and earnest in pursuing our daily life and routine. In other words, we should exert ourselves more and more to learn and master the sprit of so-called fair play. Otherwise, it would be a long way for us to organize out independent country, not to say much of our reliable police. |
I cannot speak English, and it is my regret that I could not express my gratitude to them yesterday. When their jeep was leaving the repair shop, I saw it off and felt I was about to cry for their kindness. |
I certainly believe that the impression I received on that day is a more valuable [lesson] to me as a member of society, and as a human being, than what I had learned from the books or experience for the past twenty-odd years. |
I wish to be allowed to express my gratitude in writing and wish them happiness and health.” Tome Michiyama |
September |
8 September Two treaties of significant importance were approved and enacted upon by Japanese representatives meeting in San Francisco, California. |
The Treaty of Peace between Japan and part of the Allied Powers was officially signed by forty-eight nations. It served to formally end Japan's position as an imperial power, and to allocate compensation to Allied civilians and former POW’s who had suffered as war crimes victims. |
The Security Treaty between the U.S. and Japan, which contained five articles that dictated that Japan grant the U.S. the territorial means to establish a military presence in the region. Moreover, it prohibited Japan from providing foreign powers any bases or any military rights without U.S. consent. With the Chinese Communist intervention against U.N. Allied forces in Korea, the Japanese people fearing further Chinese expansionism in the region wholeheartedly supported the pact. Both treaties would come into force on 28 April 1952. |
18 September Two British soldiers on leave from action in Korea were apprehended after crashing a U.S. Army vehicle they had earlier stolen, culminating an alleged series of thefts by the pair in downtown Tokyo. |
Charles W. Norton, a civilian employee of the Post Signal office, Japan Logistical Command, reported he and four Japanese employees were en route to the signal office in an Army truck when the two soldiers jumped aboard the vehicle and threatened to kill them unless they kept moving. |
One of the soldiers pressed what felt like a gun or knife to Mr. Norton’s side. Norton jumped from the moving truck at the first opportunity, followed shortly by the driver of the truck, Kanshiro Yamada. One of the British soldiers then drove the truck, with the remaining three employees still aboard, until it crashed into a parked car near Tokyo Central station. MP’s of the 720th responded and eventually located and apprehended the two soldiers. |
Since several other attempted vehicle thefts were reported to the Tokyo Provost Marshals Office at approximately 1530 hours, the time of the crash, the MP’s were investigating a possible connection. According to the MP’s, the suspects had been drinking. Both soldiers were turned over to British military authorities pending disposition before a British court of inquiry. |
For reasons never explained in the Tokyo area sports print media, the battalion organized a new Headquarters & Service Command inter-company basketball league. From a review of the league standing rosters it appears that the various units within the command now fielded multiple teams from their organic companies rather than battalion teams. |
The new schedule had four competing leagues, the Nippon, Japan, Far East, and Pacific. Each league contained teams from nine companies with the exception of the Japan League, which fielded ten teams. |
The battalion was represented by Baker Company in the Far East League, and competed against the Army Security Agency-Pacific Command, Navy Far East “Blues,” 441st Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, 8034th Army Unit, Motor Battalion Car Company, 96th Motor Repair Unit, Guard Company, and Baker Company of Staff Battalion. |
26 September Under the new U.S. Universal Military Training Act (Selective Service Act) the Selective Service Department announced that 5,926 men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six years were selected to register in Guam on 26 September. Of those registered 1,726 were citizens of the island, and 4,326 were aliens, mainly Filipino’s. |
Editors Note: Guam became a territory of the United States after the Spanish-American War. Under the 10 December 1898 Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded the island to the U.S. Guam was captured by Japan in 1941, but was retaken by the U.S. in 1944. It became an organized, unincorporated territory of the U.S. in August 1950. |
On the same day it was also announced that 2,000 Samoan’s had presented a petition requesting permission to enlist in the U.S. armed forces, and the U.S. Navy had already inducted several hundred into service. |
Editors Note: U.S. Samoa was acquired under the 1899 Treaty of Berlin between Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. The islands are now an unorganized and unincorporated territory of the United States. The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs currently administers both territories. |
23 September The U.S. and French governments met to discuss the situation in Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam), and agreed that a successful defense is of great importance to the defense of all Southeast Asia against Communist expansionism. The U.S. military aid would continue under the promise that the French Union would allow all three colonial protectorates to hold free elections once the Communist threat was eliminated. |
26 September The battalion’s open house celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the MP Corps was somewhat limited, as to the planned outdoor events, due to showers during the day. Included in the tour of their facilities at Camp Burness, were visits to battalion headquarters and staff sections, the branch post exchange, the service club, library, motor pool, communications center, consolidated mess hall, pistol range, gymnasium and a series of displays and demonstrations. |
The displays were on organic weapons, training aids, mess equipment, vehicles and radio equipment. The rifle and pistol team headed by CPT H. H. Holland presented a shooting exhibition at the camp pistol range. |
The highlight of the ceremony was the noon cutting of a mammoth four-layer birthday cake. In attendance was BG Edwin W. Piburn, commander of Headquarters & Service Command. And, although the rain canceled the outdoor events, the troops still managed to have a pie-eating contest, won by CPL A. C. Smith of Dog Company. |
An open house was also held at the Tokyo Provost Marshal’s Office. |
Tired of police ineptitude and corruption at the municipal level, a total of 892 of the Japanese Nation’s 1,314 towns and villages voted to abolish their local police through referendums. Effective 1 November, all of the abolished police forces were to be placed under the control of the National Rural Police. |
October |
Exact Date Unknown The Soldier of the Month for October resulted in a tie between SGT Fred R. Sanders of HQ Company and CPL Joseph A. Albert of Able Company.
25 October U.N. and Communist negotiators in Korea reconvened the truce talks at a new location, a collection of tents in the tiny village of Panmunjom, six miles east of Kaesong. After some sparring, the Communists dropped their demand for a return to the 38th Parallel and accepted the U.N. position that the cease-fire line be drawn along the current line of contact. P'anmunjom Compound > |
November |
Exact Date Unknown The Soldier of the Month for November resulted in a tie between SGT John Stephens of HQ Company and CPL Joseph R. Eversole of Dog Company. |
Exact Date Unknown Special authority was received from SCAP Headquarters to screen the replacement personnel coming through the pipeline at Camp Drake, and to select approximately 250 enlisted men with the proper qualifications for military police duties to serve in the battalion. The selected personnel, mostly draftees, were integrated into the battalion in two groups, one in November and one in December. To facilitate their successful transition to service, the battalion established its own military police training school at Camp Burness. Their subsequent performance was outstanding. |
Personal Reflections |
"I arrived in Tokyo in November, and took military police training at our base, at Camp Burness. After a couple of weeks, we were judged competent enough for duty and authorized to go out on patrol. I was assigned to a corporal and our first stop was a round building, just off the Ginza, where his girl friend worked. Her place was a burlesque theater on the top floor. Needless to say, little patrolling was done that night. What a first night experience!” CPL Ettore “Buzz” Borzoni, Able Company, 1951-1953. |
Personal Reflections |
"On Christmas Eve of 1951, myself and others arrived at the Tokyo, Camp Drake Replacement Depot for deployment to Korea as field artillery fire direction specialists. |
While awaiting the imminent arrival of barges to transport us across the bay to Korea, an officer entered the holding area and advised us that he would call a list of names, and if you were called and wished to remain in Tokyo and become a military policeman, take one step forward. With that step, myself and the others became players in the upcoming critical period of battalion history. |
We were among the earliest arrivals to begin replacing the older, long time regular army veterans who had policed and serviced Tokyo in occupational mode since September 1945.” PFC Patrick L. Cook, Able Company, 1951-1953. |
20 November The battalions Medical Detachment was officially removed from its TO&E roster pursuant to HQ, Headquarters & Service Group, General Headquarters, Far East Command General Orders No. 80, issued 19 November. |
December |
Exact Date Unknown SGT T. H. Headrick of HQ Company was selected as the battalion soldier of the month. |
21 December With the approach of presidential and congressional elections, the U.S. Congress was being tight fisted on defense spending. And, with the continued hostilities ongoing in Korea and the previously approved expansion of U.S. armed forces troop levels to contain Communist expansion in Europe, the Department of Defense had called for all troops commands to initiate program to cut costs wherever possible. |
The battalion was able to save $890.00 monthly by reducing the amount of coal, water and other supplies. Directed by MAJ C. G. Leinen, the battalion S-4 and Utilities and Repairs Section officer, a continual program was enforced within the troop units and indigenous employees to acquaint each soldier and person with the reason and necessity of conservation and supply economy. |
The program started with a daily weather check to allow operators of the Camp Burness boiler plant to anticipate heat requirements in advance. As a result, coal consumption dropped fifty-one tons a month. Electrical consumption was also reduced 2,000-kilowatt hours (monthly) without rendering insufficient lighting. Further savings were expected once an intensive survey to remove surplus supply items out of inventory and back to the issuing agencies for reissue was completed. |
25 December Keeping with their holiday tradition the battalion once again spent their Christmas Day hosting a party for the children of Tokyo. This year it was at the Seibi Gakuen Orphanage. The battalion troops received the third (known) Souvenir Album or Year Book. It cited the Battalion Motto as “ Courtesy, Service and Security” Battalion command staff at the time of publishing was: Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment: LTC Alvin B. Welsch, Commander; MAJ H. L. Funk, Executive Officer; MAJ A. J. Carey, Commanding Officer HQ Company; MAJ C. N. Lenen, S-4; CPT D. C. Alford, Adjutant; 1LT R. E. Dillard, S-2; 1LT T. D. Whitlock, S-2; CPT C. W. Hope, Motor Officer; CPT H. H. Holland, S-3; 1LT B. F. Carr, Assistant S-3; CPT R. J. Bergen, HQ Commandant; WOJG J. A. Corwell, Personnel Officer; WOJG H. Aulds, Assistant S-4. Headquarters Company: MAJ A. J. Carey, Commanding Officer; CPT Raphael J. Bergen, HQ Commandant; First Sergeant, MSG Frank B. Ludwick. |
Able Company: CPT Frederick G. Peacock, Commanding Officer; Platoon Leaders, 1LT (MG Ret.) Paul M. Timmerberg, 1LT Benjamin F. Williams, 2LT Leonard G. Schubert; First Sergeant, MSG Henry C. Smart. |
Baker Company: CPT Russell C. Hantke, Commanding Officer; Platoon Leaders, CPT William J. Morrisroe, 1LT Joseph P. Serogham, 1LT Francis L. Roche, Jr.; First Sergeant, MSG Edward Aune. |
Charlie Company: CPT A. L. Munday, Commanding Officer; Platoon Leaders, CPT Carl A. Anderson, 1LT Ray C. Clark, 1LT Gerald I. Vanderleest; First Sergeant, MSG Kenneth C. Page, Sr. |
Dog Company: CPT Marvin F. Jaeger, Commanding Officer; Platoon Leaders, CPT David R. Roberts, 1LT Raymond D. Wentz, 1LT Philbert C. Doleac; First Sergeant, MSG Harold G. Koetje. |
Training Officers and NCO's:
1LT Bernard E. Carr, SFC’s Allan L. Sweatt, Ealter L. Kalinowski, SGT’s Robert E. Furseth, Cornelius H. Patton, John W. Raubeson, CPL’s James M. Garvey and Igo Shigeiu. |
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1951 Miscellaneous Photographs Index |
This Index contains miscellaneous photographs from 1951 that have yet to be directly linked to any specific Battalion Timeline event. If you can date any of the events depicted, or identify them as part of a specific event, operation, exercise or special duty assignment, please use the Email Link on the photograph or this page to notify the History Project Manager. |
A "?" preceding the photo number denotes further identifications are needed, and an Email Link is provided. |
CPL William "Bill" Turner, A Company. |
PVT Alfred J. Gilles, B Company, in his patrol sedan. |
PVT Alfred J. Gilles, B Company, and his patrol jeep. |
PFC Alfred J. Gilles, B Company, and unidentified MPs at Camp Burness. |
PFC Alfred J. Gilles, B Company, in formal dress uniform at Camp Burness. |
C Company billets and personnel, Camp Burness. |
C Company billets and personnel, Camp Burness. |
C Company billets and personnel, Camp Burness. |
C Company billets and personnel, Camp Burness. |
Patrol Jeep B11, Motor Pool, Camp Burness. |
Patrol Jeep C8 and unidentified mechanic, Camp Burness. |
Camp Burness and draw bridge over the Sumida River. |
Camp Burness and draw bridge over the Sumida River. |
Camp Burness and the Tsukiji Fish Market. |
Mount Fuji. |
Winter snow storm at Camp Burness. |
Winter snow storm at Camp Burness. |
SFC Francis J. Freeman of Able Company helps a group of American children cross the street. |
Battalion awards ceremony. |
LTC Welsch opens the new Hobby Craft Shop at the compound on 21 December. |
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