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To better understand the situation in Occupied Japan that affected the mission of the battalion, one must also be aware of the diplomatic, political and civil climate of the United States, world and Japanese theater of operations at that time. |
All major theater improvements, Cold War events or incidents, including those leading up to the Korean War that affected the 720th MP Battalion’s force allocations, training, operations, deployments, morale or history are shown in blue American Typewriter Font. |
Security Duty, Tokyo, Japan |
January |
Stateside, the new decade ushered in the move of families from the rural America into the cities where the manufacturing jobs were to be found. The industrial driven economy was good, and showed signs of maintaining long term growth. College attendance by WW II veterans under the GI bill began to grow, and the advent of daily live television broadcast news brought images of the brutality of the communist movement in Europe, along with the reality of the atomic age and the second “Red Scare” into the American households. |
The year would also be a major pivotal time for the U.S. and its Free World Allies when the Communist Chinese and Soviet Russians expanded their Cold War strategic influence by having their third world surrogates of North Korea and North Vietnam intensify their militaristic quest for reunification in East Asia and Indochina. |
Prior to this new Communist hot war strategy via surrogates, the national and foreign policy of the United States was to pursue worldwide communist containment through the threat of mutually assured destruction, and a policy of diplomacy and economic and military aid to the threatened Free World countries and regions. The stragety would now have to expand to include military intervention, and the change would fuel further increases in defense spending to protect not only our national defense, but to also continue the much needed military aid and economic assistance to the new war ravaged countries and their Free World allies. |
To support their new strategy, the Soviet’s also launched an expansive propaganda “hurricane” throughout Europe, in the Mediterranean, India, Iran, Japan, Philippine’s, and Indonesia, and it was all timed to tie up U.S. troops, aid and materials as North Korea secretly prepared for an all out hot war that President Truman did not see coming. |
While these new changes were unfolding, new internal political dissention stoked by the second Red Scare would follow the start of government investigations into communist influence in Washington, D.C. with accusations of spies working in the U.S. State Department. |
At the start of the year the 720th MP Battalion and its organic units, HQ & HQ Company, Able, Baker, Charlie and Dog Companies and a Medical Detachment were stationed on occupation duty in Tokyo, Japan subordinate to Headquarters & Service Group, General Headquarters (GHQ), Far East Command. |
Exact Dates Unknown Stateside, President Truman surprised the world with his announcement that the U.S. had been working on development of the Hydrogen Bomb, and he was ordering the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to push it to conclusion. Truman also said that it is his responsibility to see that the U.S. is able to defend itself “against any possible aggressor. |
Personal Reflections |
“I reported to CPT William Ghan, Company A at Camp Burness after completing OCS (Officers Candidate School) and the MP officer basic course at Fort Gordon, Georgia, the year before. My general duties in Company A consisted of some supervisory jobs in the administrative field, such as supply, maintenance, messing, personnel, and the inevitable paperwork. I was also detailed to serve as Military Police Duty Officer (MPDO) about two or three times weekly, for an eight-hour tour each time. The MPDO supervised the MP personnel assigned to perform police duties throughout Tokyo. These details involved at least fifty men, and sometimes a hundred or more, depending on a decision by the PM’s office (PMO), which had operational control of the battalion. Duty MP’s reported to the PMO, where a police desk, communications, and a detention facility were maintained. In the center of Tokyo, the PMO was one block from the Dai Ichi Building, headquarters for all military forces in the country. The PMO was also a few blocks away from, and in sight of, the Imperial Place Plaza where Emperor Hirohito lived.” 2LT (MG Retired) Paul M. Timmerberg, Able & Headquarters Company, 1950-1953. |
4 January The battalion basketball team had a stellar record as the 1949-1950 GHQ, Headquarters & Service Group intramural season was winding down. Of the nine teams in the Tokyo League Division they held first place with a record of 8-0. Their second place rivals from GHQ Staff Battalion with a record of 7-1, were the only immediate threat. In addition to the intramural interleague play, the battalion also had several players and one coach selected to participate on the 1950 Headquarters & Service Group “Athletics” basketball team, involved in the Far East Command basketball league. |
CPT William Ghan of Baker Company and a former member of the AAU champions of Hawaii, as the team coach; and players PFC Dewey Hicks of Dog Company who played on battalion MP teams in 1947 and 1948; PFC (LTC Retired) John F. Taylor of Baker Company; CPL Walter J. Cerajeski, Jr. of Able Company and the second tallest player on the battalion team at 6 foot 3 inches; CPL Doyt Pritchard of HQ Company, the team co-captain and described as one of the best defensive players on the floor; and PFC Russell A. Yoder of Dog Company who has been an active member of the battalion team for three years. |
12 January In a speech, President Truman’s Secretary of State Dean Acheson, pledged that the United States will fight to defend all territory within its "defensive perimeter," which he defines to include Japan, and the Philippines—but not Korea. Soviet leader Josef Stalin misinterprets this speech to mean that he can green-light North Korean leader Kim Il Sung's "liberation" of South Korea, with little risk of intervention by the United States. |
The Soviet Union openly and sharply criticized the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) strategy. Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin insisted that the JCP pursue more militant, even violent, actions. Knowing the North Koreans were planning to launch an invasion to occupy the south, Stalin knew the North Korean’s needed SCAP Headquarters and its three infantry division’s to remain in Japan performing their occupation security duties. Any program of sabotage against the U.S. occupation forces would hamper their ability to quickly support the South Korean Army. |
31 January The Headquarters & Service Group commands and service clubs held charity events to support the March of Dimes. Service Club No. 11 at battalion held a Monte Carlo Night party featuring poker, dice, chuck-a-luck, roulette, and blackjack. |
The battalion officers club also held a charity dinner (6-8) and dance (8-midnight) to benefit the March of Dimes. The menu featured steaks, lobsters, frog legs, etc. |
February |
1 February SGT Olen D. Surratt age 29 of Company B, 7th Cavalry Regiment fractured his skull when he slipped and fell down fourteen steps when leaving the Battalion Enlisted Men’s Club with his wife at Camp Burness. He was rushed to Tokyo General Hospital in serious condition. Surratt died from the injury on 12 February. Investigating authorities declared it a freak accident. |
7 February President Truman officially recognized the formal establishment of the State of Vietnam, the Kingdom of Laos, and the Kingdom of Cambodia as independent states within the French Union. The recognition was soon followed by military and economic aid to restore stability and pursue their democratic development in an area under Soviet Russian Communist expansionism. 10 February CPT L. B. McConnell of HQ Company was elected as a board manager of the Japan Chapter of the Quartermaster Association, during a gathering of 125 officers at the Tokyo QM Depot Officers Club. 22 February To recognize President George Washington’s Birthday, the 720th MP Battalion performed a skit, “I Cannot Tell A Lie.” The participants dressed in Colonial era costumes. A young George Washington, played by Conrad Babcock, the son of Colonel and Mrs. C. S. Babcock of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff SCAP, was caught cutting down a cherry tree. However, instead of young Washington being caught by his father, he was instead caught in the act by PFC Adrian Hoogerheid, Jr., of Able Company uniformed as a member of the Colonial 720th MP Battalion. PFC Hoogerheid promptly issued the young man a Disciplinary Report. |
April |
North Korean leader Kim Il Sung traveled to Moscow to once again ask Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's permission to invade South Korea. For some time the Soviet’s had been providing the North with arms and munitions to ward off any chance of a reunification invasion from the South. For several years Stalin had refused such requests knowing that the South’s army was numerically and materially stronger, and with U.S. troops stationed there after WWII, the North could not win such an adventure. |
Mao Zedong had also been putting off any approval for an attack because he first wanted to invade Formosa to rid the country of the Nationalist Army and reunify China under the communist banner. |
Stalin, if anything, was a brilliant military tactician, and now that the Communist Chinese had won their war against the Nationalists on the mainland and President Truman showed no interest in further support for Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Army on Formosa, and with the U.S. withdrawal of its combat troops from Korea, and Secretary Acheson’s speech of 12 January in which the U.S. showed no interest in South Korea, and with the Soviets now having the atomic bomb card to play in any U.S. objections; he could now give Kim his approval for the reunification war against the South. Stalin had no intentions of providing the North with Soviet ground troops if things worked out badly, but felt confident that the Chinese would. |
Personal Reflections |
“My home town is Syracuse, New York, and recently I was assigned to the 720th MP Battalion. The first thing that happened was an interview by the adjutant, CPT Alfred J. Carey, who asked me about my past, what I liked, and plans I might have for my future. I told him I wanted to be an MP. He reviewed my records with me, and together with MSG Richard M. Smith, it was decided I had the potentialities of a military policeman. After an interview with MAJ William C. Smith, the battalion executive officer, who inquired into my past experiences with the MPs, and the extent of my desire and preference of job, I was given a short talk by LTC Aubrey S. Kenworthy on the traditions of the battalion, and what he expected from his MPs. |
I was assigned to Charlie Company, and reported to 1LT John P. Duffy, who, after welcoming me to the unit, informed me that I would start my three weeks training course the next day. I was then assigned quarters, issued equipment, and otherwise processed into my new outfit. The physical training began with side-straddle hop, push-ups, bends, and all the other exercises that go towards getting you in shape. The part I liked best was the training in unarmed defense. I learned how to search suspects correctly to lessen my own personal danger. Before CPL Teddy D. Coulster, my instructor, was through with me, I had a good idea of how it was done.. I next went to the mechanical training, starting with the care and use of a patrol jeep and its radio. I learned how to make an arrest, when you can and can’t, and how to do it diplomatically. How to complete a proper Disciplinary Report, and other forms related to my future patrol duties. I was trained on our inventory and the care and use of weapons, to include the M-1 rifle, .45-caliber sub-machine gun, grease gun, and automatic pistol. For orientation training we boarded busses, and traveled throughout Tokyo, where they showed us the regular attractions, and off limits areas.” PFC John R. Mutter, Charlie Company, 1950. |
4 April In order to assure a more complete participation in the 1950-1951 Sports Program, the Athletic and Recreation Division of Special Services Section broke down the units of Headquarters & Service Group into provisional regiments and battalions. |
The First Provisional Regiment, consisting of three battalions, was composed of Staff Battalion, 720th MP Battalion, 20th and 23rd Military Police Criminal Investigation Detachments, 473rd Interpreter Team, 8003rd Armed Forces Radio Station (AFRS) Detachment, 441st Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) Detachment, Army Security Agency (ASA), Technical Information Detachment (TID), and Translator & Interpreter Services (TIS). |
Units of the Second Provisional Regiment included, Motor Battalion, 71st Signal Battalion, Ordnance Maintenance Company, Engineer Service Company, Guard Company, Honor Guard, 203rd Army Band, 96th Machine Records Unit (MRU), 8228th Medical Detachment, Troop Information & Education (TI&E) Detachment, 8234th Service Detachment, HQ of HQ & Service Group, and the 240th Finance Section. |
Command tournaments in basketball, baseball and softball were conducted between teams representing each of the two regiments. Team members were selected from the units within their provisional regiment, with the winner of the competition represented HQ & Service Group in the Far East Command tournaments. |
Teams in boxing, tennis, gold, swimming, track and individual sports also received awards, with the high-point winners of each event going on to the Far East Command competitions. |
In touch football the competition was conducted on the company level, with teams playing for the Tokyo Metropolitan Area championship. Battalion-level football was six-man tackle conducted under AAU rules. Neither of the sports was played on a Command basis. |
7 April GHQ’s Headquarters & Service Group began their planning for April Field Day, described as “one of the most unique demonstrations ever to be presented in today's peacetime Army.” The event sponsored and directed by the non commissioned officers of HQ & Service Group, was scheduled for 12 April at Nile Kinnick Stadium in Tokyo. The entire program and direction will be under the supervision of the enlisted men and women of Group. The only officer, LT James W, Clance from GHQ Operations Section, was assigned as the honorary advisor. |
The event staff committee’s were all enlisted personnel. Representing the battalion as a member of the special events committee was SFC Clinton L. Lewis of Baker Company. |
12 April Under sunny skies at Nile Kinnick Stadium, the April Field Day festive events began to the tunes of the 293rd Army Band who provided musical interludes throughout. |
The first event of the day was a sack race, won by the Honor Guard, which took an early and commanding lead to capture the Field Day honors. The teams from Tokyo Arsenal and the 96th Machine Records Unit came in second and third respectively. |
In a potato sack race, the Machine records Unit won, with Honor Guard and Translator-Interpreter Service teams second and third. Then, directed by SGT Mayverne Hansen, drillmaster, the 8225th WAC Company drill unit staged a drill demonstration. Following the WAC's, the Staff Battalion team won a 440-yard dash over the battalion, and Army Security Agency teams. |
As part of the day’s event, members of the battalion made an 11th hour rescue of “Sukoshi,” a kidnapped pig, who was returned to the group in the nick of time for the start of the greased pig chase. Sukoshi was in excellent shape, and easily out smarted the five-man teams from Guard Company, Staff Battalion, Army Security Agency, the 96th Maintenance Records Unit, Translator Interpreter Service, 8230th Service Detachment, 8228th Medical Service Detachment, Ordnance Maintenance, and even the lawmen from the battalion. Although Sukoshi was the clear winner, judges decided to call it a tie between all the participating teams. |
Miss Grace Webster, of GHQ G-2 Military Police Public Safety Division, enacted a lively safe driving skit, and representatives of the Japanese Metropolitan Police demonstrated their signal system. |
The 71st Signal Service Battalion won a tent-pitching contest, followed by Honor Guard, who also won the pie-eating contest. A shoe race went to the 8228th Medical Service Detachment and Guard Company, respectively. The pedicab race went to the Army Security Agency, Motor Battalion and 96th Maintenance Records Unit, respectively. To end the day’s events a special platoon from Honor Guard performed a drill exhibition. |
Preceding the formal retreat ceremony, MG Walter L. Weible, Group Commander, awarded trophies to Honor Guard – 1st place, Army security Agency – 2nd place, and the 96th Machine Records Unit – 3rd place. And, naturally, the battalion provided traffic control as the hundreds of spectators and participants departed the stadium. |
13 April The chairman of the Headquarters & Service Group 1950 American Red Cross fund campaign announced that units, clubs, staff sections and billets of the organization have contributed a total of $9,059.29, almost doubling last years total. Battalion contributions were, HQ Company $41.65, Able Company $54.05, Baker Company $40.90, Charlie Company $70.00, Dog Company $56.00. |
15 April At approximately 1745 hours, a young Japanese boy, eight or nine years old, jumped from the Kachidokibashi Bridge into the Sumida River at 21st and Z Avenue. Observing the incident, and seeing that the young boy was unable to help himself, PFC Charles W. league, Jr. of Charlie Company, plunged into the river with no regard for his own safety, and swam out to render aid. The boy was dazed either from the force of the fall or the cold tidal river, and began to sink prior to PFC League’s assistance. The MP kept the boy afloat until a boat could be launched. Upon reaching the riverbank, the boy was immediately claimed by members of his family, and taken away before his identity could be established. The rescue was witnessed by almost a hundred Japanese who lined the railings of the bridge It wasn’t until some time later that his family finally came forward to identify him, and admit it was a suicide attempt by their young son. |
20 April In San Francisco at a Chamber of Commerce event, W. Stuart Symington (D), the outgoing Secretary of the Air Force (1947-1950), and former Assistance Secretary of War for the Air Force (1946-1947), addressed the gathering and said the U.S. was inadequately prepared to defend itself from a surprise Soviet atomic attack. |
Symington continued with his assessment that the Soviets now had: “A ground army greater in number than the combined armies of the U.S. and its allies; an Air Force whose strength in nearly all categories was now the largest in the world and growing relatively larger month by month, and the world’s largest submarine fleet.” |
He said that the Soviets have “the air equipment capable of delivering a surprise atomic attack against any part of the U.S.” and “today, the U.S. had no adequate defense against such an attack.” “It has now become obvious that adequate military preparedness is the price of survival.”
“The grim reality is that we must choose between possible economic troubles and the danger, should we fail to maintain adequate military strength, of joining the hundreds of millions already under the Communist yoke.” |
22 April A composite group from the organic companies of the battalion was called on to march in a parade during a farewell review for two Headquarters & Service Group colonels being reassigned for duty stateside. The parade was held on the grounds of the Japanese Imperial Plaza in Tokyo. |
24 April The Tokyo Provost Marshal’s Office, Headquarters & Service Group, released statistics for thefts of personal property from Occupation Forces civilian vehicle break-ins for the months of January, February and March. The estimated loss of $5,891.00 was derived from a total of 116 vehicle larcenies that were reported to the Provost Marshal MP Desk. The majority of the thefts took place at night from unlocked vehicles parked in the theater districts.
Patrols in the affected areas were increased, and public service announcements and flyers on theft prevention were issued to all commands. |
29 April The 1950 seasonal opener of the HQ & Service Group’s inter-mural baseball season began with the former 1949 league champions, Staff Battalion and the 720th MP Battalion facing off at Stateside Park at 1300 hours. In this contest the battalion went scoreless dropping the game in a shutout to Staff Battalion 5-0.
The league, which ends on 27 June, finds each team meeting every other team four times during the regular season. |
May |
In Germany, the Soviets continued their harassment of American and Allied troops by arresting an American MP patrol and seizing cargo barges and trains in an attempt to provoke an international incident, and prevent needed raw materials and other commerce from reaching the Western Zone. |
The Communist Chinese were saber rattling with threats that they intended to take the open city of Hong Kong from the British. |
6 May The Battalion Officers Club sponsored their 2nd Annual Military Policeman’s Ball, and over 800 guests were in attendance. Admission was by “summons” with a two-dollar bail assessed on each guest. Battalion officers, LT’s Beryl K. Sanders (S-3), and Ralph E. Dillard (S-2), started serving the summonses to the list of guests back in mid April. The bail covered the expenses of the ball, and netted a total of $500.00 for a donation to a hospital burned down during the disastrous fire in the Atami business district on 3 April. Many of the guests also brought along items of clothing to donate. |
Various unannounced stunts were perpetrated against unsuspecting guests who were mugged, fingerprinted, and placed in a lineup early in the evening. One of the evening’s highlights was a fake radio broadcast staged with an announcer, engineer and soundmen. The guests were interviewed for a radio audience, which they learned later, did not exist. |
Included among the notable guests this year were MG Walter & Mrs. L. Weible, Headquarters & Service Group commander, and chiefs of various sections in Tokyo, and members of the Tokyo press corps. |
11 May The Headquarters and Service Group Tokyo Baseball League released a list of the top hitters and their averages. The players have appeared at bat at least five times. Of the list of nine players were two members of the battalion team, PFC Thomas R. Hahn .429 and CPL Eugene C. Alger, .333, both of Able Company. |
15 May Unaware of what was about to happen in Korea and how critical refresher training of this type would be, the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force in Japan began joint amphibious training exercise’s expected to last until 15 August. |
29 May A new Military Police School was opened at Eta Jima, on Nishi-Noma Island in Hiroshima Bay, Hiroshima Prefecture. Subordinate to the Eta Jima School Command, the school accepted trainees from all MP units within the Far East Command. The first class of 100 MPs was scheduled to receive a four-week block in standard MP duties. |
The MP School Division was under the direction of LTC Morris J. Lucree, assisted by CPT William Brown of the Yokohama Provost Marshal’s Office, 1LT Burt Mazimini of the Kyoto Provost Marshal’s Office, and 1LT Frank M. Robins of Charlie Company, 720th MP Battalion. |
May Day Communist Riot |
30 May, 0900 hours An Occupation Forces Memorial Day ceremony to honor American troops lost during the war was being conducted at the Japanese Imperial Plaza in Tokyo. At the same time the Japanese Communist Party (JPC) sponsored May Day labor rally, inaugurating what was termed “a people’s democratic defense front” was forming outside the grounds. The last thing the attendees of the solemn ceremony inside the palace grounds expected were to have their ceremony disrupted by mob violence. In fact, to insure the two would not interfere with each other, the Japanese Metropolitan Police, as in past years, had scheduled the area off limits to other crowds until the Memorial Day ceremony was finished. At the JCP rally the estimated 5,000 demonstrators, laborers and university students, claimed the were being denied access to the grounds, and took issue with five uniformed American service men that were observing their gathering and taking notes as their speakers addressed the crowd. The five Americans, one officer and four NCO’s, were members of a U.S. Counterintelligence Unit assigned to observe the JPC rally. The crown circled the five, and one demonstrator grabbed the notebook being used by SGT Peter W. Koehn. The crown then began shoving and five soldiers around and throwing rocks, one of which struck their interpreter, SGT Terry K. Yamamoto in the head. The soldiers finally escaped from the crowd with the assistance of battalion MPs, none of them having been seriously hurt. |
The demonstrators continued with their rally, which quietly ended with a march to Hibiya Park. There, MPs and Counterintelligence Corps Agents identified four laborers from photographs taken on the plaza, as suspects in the attack. Two other assailants were arrested in front of the Marunouchi Police Station while demonstrating in protest against the earlier arrests. Two others were also seized when they shouted epithets at American soldiers. |
The eight suspects were immediately charged with violation of SCAP’s General Order No. 1 of 2 September 1945 for failure to obey occupation orders, and/or assault on occupation members. |
31 May GEN MacArthur was incensed at the incident, and ordered SCAP to initiate an immediate trial of the suspects in military court. MG Charles A. Willoughby, assistant chief of staff, G-2, stated: “We do not intend to permit any delay in the trial of people who defy or take action against Americans in uniform.” An unnamed high official of GEN MacArthur’s staff stated: “We’ve been patient for four years, now, but we are not going to permit these organizations [JCP] which sponsor anti-American brawls to continue to operate.” "This Memorial Day demonstration probably was the incident that will force us to abandon our patient attitude.” The suspects were placed on trial within twenty-four hours of their arrest. |
As the trial progressed, the battalion reaction force lead by CPT William E. Ghan of Able Company, in conjunction with 100 Japanese Metropolitan Police, was utilized to quell hundreds of communist demonstrators that protested inside the courtroom and outside the building. |
GEN MacArthur had reached his limit with the continuing problems created by the JCP, and would use the incident to clamp down on the Japanese Communist movement in the months to come. |
The Philippine government reported that the Philippine Communist Party (PKP) issued a six-point directive aimed at preparing party members for an armed conflict. The plan asked them to: prepare for an armed struggle; replace their party discipline with a military one; special groups and action committees should stay at strategic locations; to collect military equipment by any means; all labor, peasant, women and youth organizations are to be placed under districts created by regional commands; and to quickly enlarge the Huk (Hukbalahap guerrillas) Army. |
The South Korean government reported that their intelligence information indicates that the North Korean’s are strengthening all of their military forces, and that the Soviets are training more than 200 of the North’s Air Force pilots, as well as their Navy in submarine warfare. |
June |
Exact Date Unknown Most commanders knew the value of a good reliable scrounger, especially when facing regular IG inspections, or when looking for those special items not on the authorized TO&E that were needed to maintain troop morale. For a soldier with those abilities certain liberties were allowed. In Japan the battalion’s most recognized scrounger was PFC John D. “Wildman” Agostini of Charlie Company, whose peers called him a man of legend. |
John brought some extra style to the battalion when he purchased a 1939 black Cadillac and hired a personal chauffeur. Measured against GEN Douglas MacArthur’s Caddy, John’s car was slightly longer. It was an altogether impressive vehicle. He added an extra touch by equipping his limousine with two pennants. One bore the 720th Battalion crest, the other the single stripe of a Private First Class. The chauffeur, who was a Japanese national, unfurled the flags whenever John was aboard, reviewing the passing world from the backseat, and hooded the flags whenever his employer was absent. The officers of the battalion regarded this private demonstration of regal splendor with mixed emotions, but drew the line when the chauffeur, awaiting John’s instructions, started to call the Orderly Room. Not satisfied with the recognition that the limo brought him, John expanded his fleet by one with the purchase of a surplus amphibious truck known as a DUKW, and nicknamed by the GI’s as the “Duck.” It was a six-wheel-drive 6.5 ton, 31 foot long, gasoline powered transport used to carry troops and supplies over land and water. John had it registered as a civilian vehicle and parked it next to the battalion commanders spot in the Camp Burness parking lot. It was said that at the sight of this spectacle, LTC Kenworthy was not a happy man. But John was happy about the Duck because he could get sixteen or twenty of his friends aboard for cruises through downtown Tokyo, and an occasional trip. |
1 June During his weekly news conference, President Truman said the world is closer to real, permanent peace than it has been for the past five years, and then called on Congress to provide 1.4 billion dollars in the next fiscal year to help the free countries of the world meet the Soviet Union’s “grim struggle” to make them slaves. “There is no alternative course except the abandonment of freedom itself, because the Soviet Union has no compassion for weakness." |
The funds are required because they represent a “logical and necessary” program (Mutual Defense Assistance Program) already underway. The funds were earmarked for the North Atlantic Treaty area, Philippines, Greece, Turkey, and Southeast Asia. |
The President also requested that Congress grant a limited authority to divert small from any one of the programs to other countries not now authorized by law to receive military aid “in the event of a serious emergence affecting the security of the U.S.” “With the continuation of Soviet probing’s for weak spots in the security structure of the free world, emergency situations of this character may well arise and require prompt and positive action by the U.S.” |
2 June The second peacetime draft of the Selective Service Act of 1948 was scheduled to expire on 24 June. Defense Secretary Louis Johnson asked for an extension to make it “clearly understandable” to the world that, “we propose to keep ourselves strong.” He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the 1948 draft law “was one of the decisive factors in stopping the spread of communism in Europe.” |
Congress feeling secure with the current military staffing, and the progress of the U.S. containment strategy already in place, approved a two-year extension requiring compulsory registration of all men, ages 18 to 26, however, it blocked their inductions until Congress, by a joint resolution, declared that an emergency existed. |
3 June At 1600 hours the Provost Court hearing the charges against the eight Japanese arrested for assaulting U.S. soldiers during the 31 May Day Rally were found guilty and sentenced to prison for varying terms. The battalion reaction force was present to maintain security both in and outside the Marunouchi Police Station where the proceedings were held. The JCP call for a nationwide strike in support of their members arrested on May Day failed to materialize. Japanese authorities took steps to prevent the strikes and demonstrations by meeting with the leadership of the various trade unions and university students. The government also declared Hibiya Park and the Imperial Plaza off-limits to any gatherings or parades, and threatened arrest if the order was violated. Rural police made one arrest for a minor infraction, while the Tokyo Metropolitan Police reported no arrests. As a precaution against the planned unrest, the battalion reaction force stood by to assist the Tokyo Police, but was not needed. |
4 June Japans pro-American Liberal Party won a smashing victory in the House of Councilors (equal to our U.S. Senate) election, and gained popular endorsement for carrying out occupation policies as well as added legislative muscle for the proposed ban of the JCP. The Communist Party representatives failed to win a single seat. |
Premiere Yoshida announced, “The occurrence of such incidents [May Day disturbance] under Communist direction hampers our country’s recovery and development, and impairs our confidence among world powers as well as obstructing an early peace.” |
5 June Reports from British Intelligence indicated that the Soviet and Chinese Communist Parties had split their “colonial objectives” in Southeast Asia, and embarked on a plan of “practical cooperation” in the area. Among the changes for the Chinese were rubber and tin from Burma and Indonesia, and rice from Siam (Thailand). India and Pakistan were included in China’s “sphere of influence,” to be attained by “peasant resistance.” |
It was also reported that the Chinese Communist intended to directly intervene in the Indo-Chinese conflict between the French sponsored Vietnam regime under Emperor Bao Dai, and the rebel Viet Minh faction headed by the Soviet-trained Ho Chi Minh. |
11 June Battalion elements provided security and traffic control in and around the Imperial Palace Plaza across the street from the Da Ichi building (Supreme Commanders Allied Powers Headquarters) during a pass and review parade held by GEN MacArthur’s command for U.S. Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson who was accompanied by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff GEN Omar N. Bradley. The mission continued after the parade as the VIP’s visited the Tokyo Exchange building.
The 358th, the largest out-patient clinic, downtown; Tokyo General, just a few blocks from us; and I think the 361st, several miles away, we were operating with skeleton crews. Our dentist, Sheldon Koltoff, was sent to Korea. I talked with him again in 1960, in Philly. I worked hard in the hospital without much direction, taking care of wards full of wounded. This was mostly in the field of orthopedics and neurosurgery, and I used that training once again in Vietnam about fifteen years later. CPL (COL Retired) Thomas P. Chisholm, Medical Detachment, 1948-1952. |
19 June Headquarters and Baker Companies were cited for setting a new battalion driving safety record, over 100 days without a vehicle accident. |
War on the Korean Peninsula |
The Soviet’s had departed North Korea in 1948, and at the suggestion of the United Nations, in 1949 the U.S. had withdrawn all but a small advisory-training group [approximately 472 trainer & advisors] of its combat troops from the South. Not being overly concerned with the mounting threats of the Communist North towards the new South Korean government, and unaware of the Soviet authorization granting the North permission to make preparations for war, the U.S. foreign policy in 1950 was to leave the diplomatic problem to the United Nations commissions to work out. 25 June, 0400 hours the North Korean Army of 135,000 battle-hardened troops poured across the 38th Parallel in a full-scale invasion of South Korea. The young South Korean Army of 98,000, supported by the few remaining U.S. military advisors, faced the unexpected and overwhelming onslaught in what would be a futile attempt to block their advance towards the capital city of Seoul. The U.N. Security Council voted 9 to 0 for an immediate cease-fire and the withdrawal of all forces to the 38th parallel. Simultaneously, President Truman ordered GEN MacArthur to evacuate American citizens from South Korea, and to provide naval and air support to South Korea south of the 38th parallel. In his message to the American people, Truman describes the invasion as a Moscow-backed attack by "monolithic world Communism." With outbreak of war in Korea, GEN MacArthur’s concern for providing home security within the islands became a priority. The Japanese government, and the vast majority of the citizenry, feared that if the war went badly in Korea, their islands would be the next targets for the communists. Recognizing the citizens concern about the communist threat, and their still adamant refusal to allow the remilitarization of the country, the general saw it was the perfect time to promote a national police “security force.” GEN MacArthur presented his plan to Prime Minister Yoshido for a new separate National Police Reserve (NPR) of 30,000, later increased to 110,000. |
To sooth the public and U.S. Allies fear of rearming the country, he called for its formation to combat illegal immigration, smuggling, security against lawless elements [communists agitators], and provide assistance during national catastrophes. The new force, to include a naval costal guard under the Japanese Maritime Safety Board, was to be financed by the government, under the personal control of the Prime Minister, entirely separate from regular police and free from interference by any Public Safety Commission. It was to be armed (as a light infantry unit), trained and clothed in American-type uniforms, and drilled in military fashion. At first, both SCAP and the government refrained from referring to it as a military force fearing political backlash. |
Personal Reflections |
“We were at Camp Burness, at Z and 20th Street, just over the river bridge. We had lots of good men and officers and, of course, some goofballs, too. A little Japanese boy kept my belt and holster and boots shined so good that I could have almost shaved by them. We escorted ambulances [motorcycle squad] from the hospital to the airbase, returning men home who had been badly wounded. You really had to look after their safety because the Japanese drivers were kinda erratic." SGT James P. Robinson, Sr., Charlie Company, 1947-1950. |
28 June The United States Army Military Police Corps, reactivated on 26 September 1942 for WWII, became a permanent branch of the United States Army under the Army Organization Act of 1950, PL 581, passed by the 81st Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. In South Korea, the North Korean Army juggernaut captured the capital city of Seoul driving the U.S. KMAG advisors and South Korean Army towards the southeast coastal city of Pusan.
July |
1 July GEN MacArthur directed the 8th Army to assume logistical responsibility for all U.S. and Republic of South Korea (ROK) troops at Pusan. The responsibility would later fall to the 8th Army Rear Guard as its main headquarters elements deployed to Pusan. GEN MacArthur directed the 8th Army to assume logistical responsibility for all U.S. and Republic of South Korea (ROK) troops at Pusan. The responsibility would later fall to the 8th Army Rear Guard as its main headquarters elements deployed to Pusan. 3 July The North Korean Peoples Army (NKPA) captured the western costal city of Incho. |
July 14-18 The 1st Cavalry Division departed from the Tokyo area with its organic 545th MP Company to prepare for deployment to South Korea increasing the Battalion area of operations by approximately 240 square miles. It more than doubled the battalion area, which now included the entire Tokyo metropolitan area. 20 July The Department of the Army issued General Order No. 23, to clarify changes in titles, designation of chiefs of services, and basic special branches of the Army for the guidance of all concerned. Under paragraph No. 1, Changes in titles, the designation of Corps of Military Police was changed to Military Police Corps. In paragraph No. 2 Chiefs of services, the title of “Provost Marshal General” was listed for the Military Police Corps. |
21 July Headquarters & Service Group announced that the group again exceeded its reenlistment quota by reenlisting 61.9 percent of those eligible during the second quarter (April-May-June) reenlistment drive, to lead all other Far East Command units.
The battalion was one of eleven units within the group that had a 100 percent reenlistment total. |
26 July U.S. military involvement in Indochina (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) began as President Truman authorized fifteen million in military aid to the French to help fight the Communist Viet Minh expansionism. U.S. military advisors accompanied the flow of tanks, planes, artillery and other supplies. |
August |
Exact Dates Unknown Although there is no mention of it in any of the battalion historical summaries of the time, no doubt because it was a highly classified operation, MG Paul M. Timmerberg, a young new 1st Lieutenant with Able Company at the time, related with much detail the movement of millions in gold bullion through Tokyo. One can understand his ability to provide a minutia of details on an event from so long ago, at the time this was an extremely important mission, one that could make or break the career of a young officer, and the responsibility was assigned to him. |
Since the start of the occupation SCAP Headquarters began a policy of war reparations to eleven Pacific Allies for damages done or expenses incurred during the hostilities. These totaled approximately fifty-four billion dollars (1940’s) or 500 billion by 2000 standards. Many of the countries were reimbursed with payments of industrial machinery, precious ore, proceeds from international sales of equipment, and several shipments of precious metals and industrial grade diamonds. In October 1949 French Indochina (Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) and Thailand received gold shipments worth $37 million and $44 million respectively. 1LT Timmerberg mentions no specific date beyond receiving the mission approximate eight months after his arrival in the battalion, which was in January 1950. The five-week mission involved all four companies so one can assume it was carried out before the departure of Charlie Company. It began when LTC Kenworthy ordered 1LT Timmerberg to the PMO for what he was told was a special assignment. At the PMO, the operations officer informed him he was to provide security arrangements for the transportation of four motorized shipments of gold bullion worth millions, from the Bank of Japan in Tokyo to a merchant ship docked at a terminal in the harbor of Yokohama. The shipments were scheduled for one day each week, throughout a one-month period. The Japanese police were to provide inconspicuous assistance and support along the route. 1LT Timmerberg had one week to formulate his plan, then select and familiarize his crew before the first shipment began. |
Back at battalion he immediately went into a closed-door session with the S-3 section. Following several hours of intense discussion and planning deliberations, they formulated a details list of mission requirements for personnel and equipment.
The personnel list required: one OIC; one NCOIC; six M8 armored car crews; two motorcycle MP’s; six jeep crews; twenty-two truck drivers; and two wrecker driver/mechanics. The vehicle complement consisted of: four jeeps with radios; two armored cars with radios; two motorcycles with radios; eleven Deuce-and-a-half trucks; one wrecker; eighteen hand radios; eighteen riot type shotguns; two .50 caliber machine guns; two 2.63 rocket launchers; two .45 caliber Thompson sub machine guns; and twenty-five .45 caliber semiautomatic pistols. |
SFC Philip Boiser of Able Company was selected as the NCOIC, and each letter company was to provide twenty-five percent of the personnel, and the same men were to be available for all four shipments. |
A dry run reconnaissance/familiarization was conducted by transporting all assigned personnel via buses to maintain mission secrecy. A myriad of traffic problems and some communications deficiencies were discovered, and had to be overcome. |
The battalion personnel were familiar with the traffic flow and its choke points in Tokyo, but not Yokohama. For that part of the route they would rely on the 519th MP Battalion and their PMO. Both agreed to meet the convoy at the Tokyo-Yokohama line with a radio equipped MP jeep to guide them to the pier and back. Secondary routes were planned for the inevitable choke points in both cities. They also agreed to switch over to the 519th radio net once in Yokohama to insure communications continuity on their progress with the Tokyo PMO. To further insure there were no breaks in their radio links during the convoys, they installed several auxiliary antennas along the route. |
Each convoy consisted of twenty vehicles, the total distance between the bank and the pier was about twenty-five miles, and the estimated time for the run under ideal conditions at twenty-five miles per-hour was two and-a-half hours. It was getting close to transport day so the crews spent their available time assembling and moving the convoy group for short distances, around and adjacent to the battalion area. |
The morning of the first run, 1LT Timmerberg and SFC Boiser inspected the crew and vehicles before moving out to the bank. Upon arrival he presented his authorization orders to the officials present, among them was a member of GEN MacArthur’s Headquarters staff, and watched as the gold bars were loaded onto ten of the eleven Deuce and-a-half trucks. Once the loading was finished, 1LT Timmerberg personally signed for the cargo and they began their transport. It was early in the morning and as they expected, the traffic was extremely heavy. They made slow, but steady progress. Gridlock brought them to a stop on several occasions. Each time they halted, and in accordance with their planning and training, a rider from each vehicle dismounted and took up defensive positions to observe and protect an area 360 degrees around the column. Radio communications went reasonably well, although tall buildings briefly caused interference. In one instance, 1LT Timmerberg became alarmed when the heavy traffic caused a break and separation of the column. |
The English-speaking Japanese police officer they were assigned was most helpful in unsnarling the traffic jams, and it was a relief when they finally met the 519th MP Battalion jeep at the Yokohama line. The density of the traffic through the city made for laborious movement, sometimes at only a slow crawl. After three and a half hours they finally arrived at the pier and formed their elements to facilitate unloading the bullion from the truck to the ship. The elements at the pier responsible for unloading were quick and efficient, and 1LT Timmerberg was very relieved when the ships captain finally signed for the cargo. Their return trip took almost as long and was just a difficult. The remaining three shipments were accomplished in due time, and all were as successful as the first. MG Timmerberg ended his account by praising the staff for its success. “Our success was due mainly to the intense motivation and superb ability of the men who performed the mission. They were all highly flexible and capable of undertaking almost any task. They responded well to direction and guidance, but were also tremendously effective when given the opportunity to use their initiative and imagination. They were especially astute in using their best judgment to act appropriately in the absence of orders, and to do so in a manner consistent with what their superiors would have expected. In retrospect, this fact was no doubt well known by the staffs of the PMO and the battalion who had placed such a junior officer in command of so heavy a burden.” Four convoys totaling twenty truckloads of gold bullion, was worthy of much speculation among the convoy staff. Most believed it was proceeds of years of theft by the Japanese Army from the countries of Asia, and it was being returned to its rightful owners. If MG Timmerberg knew, he didn’t say, and no official explanation from either country has yet to be found so it still remains a mystery to this day. |
7 August The South Korean, U.S. and U.N. forces held in defensive positions at Pusan began their offensive to break out, and slowly begin their plan to drive the North Korean Army back towards Seoul. |
Charlie Company Redesignated For Duty In Korea |
26 August A call went out from the X Corps Headquarters to the 720th MP Battalion to provide a company of MPs, as soon as possible. The day the call came down from X Corps Headquarters LTC Kenworthy was away from the Battalion Headquarters, MAJ Smith, the Executive Officer took the call. He was ordered to immediately provide an MP company ready and equipped within 24 hours. MAJ Smith first thought of asking for volunteers from the letter companies then realized it would take to long. He stated he decided to provide Charlie Company, "not because they were the best, but because they were ready." The company was under-manned, so experienced personnel from Able, Baker and Dog Companies were reassigned to bring Charlie Company to their TO&E strength. Charlie Company departed the familiar and comfortable surroundings of Camp Burness in Tokyo in the last week of August, and reported to the new quarters of canvas tents at the Repungi area a suburb north of Tokyo. |
Commanded by CPT Sam Denton, 1LT William E. VanBuskirk reassigned from Dog Company as the executive officer, and platoon leaders 1LT’s Charles H. Avent, Frank M. Robbins and David L. Boddington, they set in in an open field and used that as their base of operations, and immediately began their processing, turning in all summer weight clothing and received additional weapons, and field familiarization training. |
A small detachment of eleven MPs from the company were assigned to remain behind with the 8220 PWAU Company in Camp Tokyo, Japan. The acronym PWAU remains unverified, however, the company was an enemy prisoner of war administration and processing unit that was later deployed to South Korea after the Inchon landing. It’s unknown if the battalion detachment was TDY or assimilated upon deployment. |
28 August Headquarters & Service Group was just one of many commands that not only responded to requests to assist the soldiers departing Japan for Korea, but also those already in theater, and those returning to Japan as casualties. There were many comfort items that were not standard issue or were in short supply, or because of the sudden attack they were not available for shipment with the troops. To provide the comfort items for the casualties at the area hospitals, and to be sent to the troops in Korea, the group service clubs chipped in with cash donations. |
The battalion Officers Club began a $50.00 a month donation, and the Enlisted Men’s club started a $100.00 a month donation. |
Personal Reflections |
“I arrived in Japan in August 1946, and was assigned to Company C of the 720th. At that time the battalion was in Nakano, and part of the 8th Army. My first duty was traffic control on Ginza and Z Avenue near the intersection of the Tokyo Post Exchange. I was also a driver, moving personnel to and from the Ueno Police Station. Then I was transferred to the motor pool sergeant of Headquarters Company, where I drove 2-1/2 ton trucks. I made the rank of T/5 in this job, drove for six months, and then asked to be the battalion Mail Clerk. |
About that time I made buck sergeant, and the battalion moved to downtown Tokyo. About a week later, the Army did away with the buck sergeant rate but kept the sergeant’s pay scale, and we were all corporals once again |
I went home on furlough, and when I got back my mail clerk job was gone because the guy I’d picked to do the job in my absence got himself into money troubles. I was back to Charlie Company again, and on 6 September 1950 we were transferred on secret orders from the 720th, and became the Military Police Company (Provisional) attached to the X Corps.” SGT John A. Bennett, Charlie & Headquarters Company, 1946-1950. |
Personal Reflections |
“On 24 June 1950, six days before my ETS [estimated time of separation from the service], the Korean War broke out. It wasn’t long after that when LTC Kenworthy talked to us about a special unit being formed, a unit that would engage in commando-type activities. They were looking for guys in excellent physical shape. [On 15 July 1950 only a few weeks after North Korea invaded South Korea, GEN MacArthur authorized the creation of a (Provisional) Raider Company to blow up bridges and railway tunnels behind enemy lines.]
Four or five of us from the 720th volunteered and were accepted. We were sent for training to Camp Drake. For about thirty days we were subjected to all kinds of special warfare training, and those who were left became part of the GHQ 1st Raider Company (Provisional).” CPL Darrel K. Robertson, Charlie Company, 1948-1951. |
September |
3 September Typhoon Jane struck the Japanese Islands, damaging ships and interfering with the loading of amphibious shipping for the assault at Inchon, Korea. 6 September Headquarters of Headquarters and Service Group, General Headquarters Far East Command issued Special Orders No. 213, authorizing the transfer of six battalion officers, and 211 enlisted men to form the X Corps Military Police Company (Provisional) for deployment to Korea. The orders were verbal and were classified secrete, so Charlie Company’s new assignment was not immediately made known to the troops at that time. 8 September In the evening Charlie Company members received passes for the week, with most returning to Tokyo to spend their time. |
9 September Shortly after 0001 hours, a squad of seven U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) agents lead by CPT John M. Rice, conducted a swift covert raid in the suburban Setagaya Ku area of Tokyo looking to arrest a North Korean spy. The squad was successful, and found their suspect Yoshimatsu Iwamura, a North Korea Peoples Army (NKPA) Major, asleep in his room. During the search of the room the CIC agents discovered and seized incriminating documents ranging from U.S. Army training manuals, U.S. military installation maps, troop and weapons strengths, to the full set of “top Secret” plans for the pending U.S. amphibious landing at Inchon harbor in South Korea. The plans were still not yet accessible to many in the SCAP chain of command. MAJ Iwamura was identified by the CIC as under the control and supervision of COL Seki, the NKPA Intelligence Chief. The major was the recruiter and ringleader for a group of spy’s from the sympathetic Korean Communist community throughout Japan. MAJ Iwamura’s arrest was kept under wraps for months until the Inchon landing was completed, and the remainder of his espionage cell could be identified and taken into custody. At the close of the operation in 1951, cell members of both Korean and Japanese decent, numbered forty-five |
The MPs of the battalion were assigned as the transport and courtroom security for the defendants who appeared before an Allied International Provost Court in Tokyo. |
Based on the success of the Inchon landing on 15 September, it was apparent that Iwamura had problems in his ability to forward the information to his NKPA intelligence chief for action. |
10 September, 1320 hours The battalion Charge of Quarters (CQ), received a telephone call from X Corps Headquarters ordering the company to be ready for movement by 1800 hours that evening. The CQ immediately informed 1LT William E. Van Buskirk, who was at battalion when the call came in. 1LT Van Buskirk now had the daunting task of trying to round up the 190 troops of the company that were scattered about the Tokyo area on leave. |
The lieutenant immediately departed for Repungi and the company area. On his way back he stopped at the Tokyo Provost Marshal Office and had the Officer of The Day, issue an order to all MP patrols to start looking for the men of the company. |
1LT Van Buskirk returned to the company area and ordered the cooks to prepare cold cut sandwiches and have plenty of hot coffee available for the troops upon their return. Throughout the afternoon and evening the MP's started arriving at the company area in Repungi by way of taxis, patrol jeeps, and some by rickshaw, and by 1730 hours with many still suffering from the effects of the day’s revelry, the company was assembled and ready to move out as ordered. |
It was learned that the sudden change of status from weeklong pass status to immediate departure was the result of the weather. General Headquarters [GHQ] received a warning that Typhoon Kezia was headed towards Japan from the Pacific Ocean. The storm ultimately did cooperate by moving east, missing the area in which the task force was steaming. |
The new company, consisting of six officers, 211 enlisted men, one Korean National Police Lieutenant, and twenty-nine Korean National Policemen, boarded the troop ship, USNS General Simon B. Buckner, in Yokohama. |
11 September It was discovered that PFC Gerold Griffey of Able Company had hidden on board the troop ship as a stow away. PFC Griffey surrendered himself and was turned over to the Troop Commander of the ship. The USNS Buckner departed the Harbor of Yokohama. |
15 September With the North Korean Army focused on the U.N. Pusan “break out” in the south, the U.S. X Corps invasion to cut their supply lines and envelope them from behind began with the amphibious landing at the port city of Inchon. |
27 September The U.S. established a Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) in Saigon, South Vietnam to aid the French Army in their offensive against the Communist Viet Minh forces under command of Ho Chi Minh. |
29 September When the eleven-man detachment of Charlie Company assigned to remain behind with the 8220 PWAU in Camp Tokyo, Japan arrived at Inchon Harbor, Korea it was discovered that CPL Charles Hawkins, HQ Company, 720th MP Battalion had stowed away on their troop ship. CPL Hawkins managed to maintain his presence in secret until he surrendered himself to the command. The 720th MP Battalion was notified of his presence, and requested he be assigned to and remain with the X Corps MP Company (Provisional) in Korea. |
As the war in Korea progressed, although permanently separated from the battalion, when the former battalion veterans of the X Corps MP Company (Provisional) received R&R leave to Tokyo, they were welcomed by and spent their nights with the battalion at Camp Burness. |
October |
25 October Miss. Jo Ann Juergens of Salem, Ohio became the bride of SGT Emmett M. Liles in the Chapel Center, Tokyo. The best man was SGT Clinton L. Lewis. The bride was employed in the SCAP Foreign Trade and Commerce Division. |
November |
Exact Date Unknown CPL Charles E. Nochols of Jefferson City, Missouri and an 18-month veteran of the battalion was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. |
1 November Just as it appeared that the North Korean Army had been totally eliminated as an effective fighting force and the war was coming to an end, eighteen divisions of Communist Chinese troops attacked across the Yalu River from the north, northwest, and west against scattered U.S. and South Korean Army units. |
Ignoring intelligence reports, GEN MacArthur was caught totally unprepared for the onslaught, and had to order the withdrawal of U.S. forces under heady fire.
It resulted in the first mass withdrawal by U.S. armed forces in modern warfare. |
8 November Headquarters and Service Command announced that their 1950 Army Emergency Relief Fund drive sent a new record of contributions at $11,579.79. Listed among the list of top contributing units was the battalion with a total of $237.35. 10 November CPT Harold L. Funk, commander of Dog Company, was promoted to the rank of Major. From Altoona, Pennsylvania, Funk served in the India-Burma-China Theater during World War II. He arrived for duty with the battalion in 1949. 11 November With the threat of rabies to occupation troops and civilians on the rise in the U.S. dependent housing areas of Tokyo, the battalion formed a dog catching unit, and their success became quickly evident. Their patrols were credited with cutting the population of abandoned dogs and other ill-tempered, and unattended animals in half. At the start of their operation on a normal patrol day the unit averaged 20 animals, and in no time they managed to “thin the herd” to half. CPL Lester G. Beuthien of Able Company, PFC Arthur Henderson unit unknown, PFC David L. Leonard of Dog Company, and several Japanese civilian assistants staffed the “Dog Catcher” unit. |
Once picked up, the stray animals were placed in the K9 quarters at Setagaya, and if not claimed in seven days, were then turned over to the Japanese managers of the kennels, who sold them.
Owners who called for their animals had to pay a fee of 100 Yen for each day they were held. Those K9’s suffering from mange, distemper and worms were taken to the SPCA-run section of the Setagaya kennels, where they were euthanized.
For animal bites, the animal was taken to the Tokyo Quartermaster veterinarian and confined for a ten-day observation period. Japanese and SCAP laws required the licensing and immunization of dogs and cats. |
December |
5 December
Now under pressure from the massive Chinese offensive, the U.N. forces abandoned the North Korean Capital of Pyongyang, and began a bloody withdrawal back to the 38th parallel to regroup. |
25 December On Christmas day at the local Aiki no le Orphanage, the battalion, with the assistance of Special Services hostesses Misses Margo Quinn and Vivian McManus, hosted a group of ninety-two children to a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, a program of entertainment given by the children, and a visit by Santa Claus in the person of SGT John Lemaster from Able Company. Each child also received a personal gift. In addition, the MPs also treated 301 children of battalion employees to a similar affair. The battalion troops received the second (known) Souvenir Album or Year Book. It cited the Battalion Moto as “ Courtesy, Service and Security." Battalion command staff at the time of publishing were: Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment: LTC Aubrey S. Kenworthy, commander; MAJ W. C. Smith, executive officer; MAJ A. J. Carey, adjutant; CPT D. F. Cothran, assistant adjutant; MAJ H. I. Funk, S-3; LT R. E. Dillard, S-2; MAJ C. N. Leinen, S-4; CPT J. E. Carr, Medical officer; MAJ J. E. Jordan, Dental officer; CPT H. L. Peterson, Motor officer; CPT C. W. Hope, assistant Motor officer; CPT W. E. Doyle, Repairs & Utilities officer; CPT R. P. Honig, assistant Repair & Utilities officer; WOJG D. C. Alford, Personnel officer. |
Headquarters Company: CPT Frederick G. Peacock, commander; First Sergeant, MSG Robert L. Glasscock, Jr. Able Company: CPT William C. Ghan, commander; Platoon Leaders, 1LT Francis L. Roche, Jr., 2LT Curtis B. Exeli; First Sergeant, MSG Carl M. Shore. Baker Company: CPT Wilson E. Doyle, commander; Platoon Leaders, CPT William J. Morrisroe, 1LT Joseph P. Serogham, 1LT Francis L. Roche, Jr.; First Sergeant, MSG Edward Aune. Charlie Company (prior to redesignation): CPT Ted Capps, commander; Platoon Leaders, 1LT William J. Rousseau, 1LT Ray C. Clark; First Sergeant, MSG Pearl Sargent. Dog Company: CPT Audwert L. Munday, commander; Platoon Leaders, 1LT Beryl K. Sanders, 1LT Frank J. Pons, Jr., 1LT Edward James; First Sergeant, MSG Harold G. Koetje. |
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1950 Miscellaneous Photographs Index |
This Index contains miscellaneous photographs from 1950 that have yet to be directly linked to any specific Battalion Timeline event. If you can date any of the events depicted, or identify them as part of a specific event, operation, exercise or special duty assignment, please use the Email Link on the photograph or this page to notify the History Project Manager. |
A "?" preceding the photo number denotes further identifications are needed, and an Email Link is provided. |
A0010 ? |
Members of Charlie Company, now members of the new X Corps MP Company (Provisional). |
SSG Earney R. Tolison of Charlie Company in Tokyo. | |
SGT Jim Robinson of C Company on his Harley Davidson Motorcycle while on patrol in Tokyo. | |
The U.N. flag joins the Stars & Stripes atop the Di Ichi building in Tokyo. |
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