1970 ~ HQ Detachment Time Line
~ 720th Military Police Battalion Reunion Association ~ Vietnam History Project ~
This Page Last Updated 8 March 2008
18th Bde.
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Operations STABILIZE ends, the Battalion expands to include IV Corps Tactical Zone
17 January CW2 Carl M. Reel was assigned as the Battalion Automotive Maintenance Technician.

30 January LTC Henry N. Henry passes the command of the 720th MP Battalion to LTC Robert E. Stromfors, and MAJ Herbert E. Langendorff, Jr. was assigned as Battalion Executive Officer (XO).

5 February The 188th Military Police Company,   22nd Provost Marshal Detachment,   146th MP Platoon,   who where assigned duties in IV Corps Tactical Zone, were reassigned to the command of the 720th Military Police Battalion when their parent unit the 92nd Military Police Battalion was the first MP Headquarters to be deactivated and withdrawn from Vietnam.

17 February CPT Virgil L. Sprayberry was assigned to the duties as Battalion S4 (supply and logistics) Officer.

10 March 1LT Charles B. Hall, Battalion S3, Assistant Operations Officer and former A Company Platoon leader, departs.

13 March CPT Charles J. Rizzo is assigned as the new Battalion S2, Intelligence and Security Officer.

7 July MAJ Jerald C. Burns is assigned as the new Battalion Executive Officer replacing MAJ Herbert E. Langendorff, Jr.

September B Company assumed responsibility for the discipline, law and order missions in IV Corps from the 188th MP Company. The 188th was scheduled for reassignment from the Battalion to DaNang with the 504th MP Battalion in II Corps Tactical Zone.

        To avoid the logistical problem associated with the move B Company who had just completed their assignment from Operation STABILIZE in the Tactical Area of Responsibility was redesignated as the 188th and sent to DaNang with CPT Jeffery Gilbert Commanding.

The 188th already stationed in the Mekong Delta was redesignated as B Company with CPT Walter B. Koszyk Commanding, and remained in their assignments in the delta region of IV Corps Tactical Zone.

3 September CW3 Samuel D. Kidd is assigned as Battalion Personnel Officer replacing CW3 Wayne L. Breazeale.

8 September CPT Gary R. Gracon is assigned as the new Battalion Operations (S3) Officer replacing CPT Danny J. Griswould. 1LT Kenneth E. Pillsbury is assigned as Assistant Battalion Operations (S3) Officer.

26 September The 720th MP Battalion was alerted to provide 30 MPs including one officer for an escort guard force to assist in escorting a large number of U.S. military personnel who had been in a disturbance while on R&R in Hong Kong. Planning for the escort was conducted by 18th MP Brigade or 89th MP Group HQ staff and MAJ Jerald C. Burns, 720th MP Battalion Adjutant was assigned as the officer in charge. The detail was dispatched by aircraft and returned with all personnel in custody without any major incidents.
15 December CPT Robert C. Farmer, Jr. was assigned as the new Battalion Adjutant.