~ 720th Military Police Battalion History Project ~
Battalion Commanders
1942 ~ Current
This Page Last Updated   16 February 2018
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LTC Larry D. Furey
22 January to 23 July 1942, 3rd Army, Zone of the Interior WW-II
23 July to 5 October 1942, GHQ, Pacific Theater
Photograph Needed

LTC James L. Patterson
5 October 1942 to January 1943, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

LTC Arthur S. Bell
28 January 1943 to 5 April 1944, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

MAJ Arthur J. Wajnowski
April 1944 to 3 October 1944, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

MAJ Houser (Provisonal)
3-6 October 1944, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

MAJ R. R. Packard
6 October 1944 to November 1944, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

MAJ Philip J. Reilly
November 1944 to May 1945, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

MAJ Edward C. Longo
28 May 1945 to ? 1945, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

MAJ John S. Lovis
1945, GHQ Far East Command
World War II, Pacific Theater

Photograph Needed

MAJ Jackson
1945, GHQ Far East Command
Tokyo, Occupied Japan

Photograph Needed

LTC Philip C. Lawton
1945 to 1946, GHQ & 8th Army
Tokyo, Occupied Japan


LTC Emory D. Middleton
1946 to 17 March 1947, GHQ Far East Command
Tokyo, Occupied Japan

Photograph Needed

LTC Chester H. Meek
17 March 1947 to 3 November 1948, GHQ Far East Command
Tokyo, Occupied Japan


MAJ William C. Smith
3 November 1948 to 17 January 1949, GHQ Far East Command
Tokyo, Occupied Japan


LTC Aubrey S. Kenworthy
17 January 1949 to 20 February 1951, GHQ  Service Command, 8th Army
Tokyo, Occupied Japan

LTC Alvin B. Welsch
20 February 1951 to 1953, , GHQ & HQ  & Service Command, 8th Army
Tokyo, Occupied Japan

LTC Weldon Cox
1953 to 16 August 1954, HQ & Service Command, 8th Army
Tokyo, Occupied Japan

MAJ James L. Melloh (Interim)
16 to 23 August 1954, AFFE Command, 8th Army
Tokyo, Occupied Japan

Photograph Needed
LTC George E. Painter
23 August 1954 to 21 February 1955, AFFE Command, 8th Army
Tokyo, Occupied Japan

LTC James L. Oakes
21 February to 2 March 1955, 4th U.S. Army, Fort Hood, Texas

LTC Robert M. Allgeier
2 March 1955 to 1956, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas

LTC James A. Wiley
1956 to 18 October 1957, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
MAJ Virgil E. McKenzie
18 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
LTC Ward B. Waits
30 June 1958 to June 1960, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
LTC Harold K. Reynolds
June 1960 to 10 June 1961, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
Photograph Needed
MAJ Baxter M. Bullock (Interim)
10 June to 24 July 1961, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
LTC Robert P. Hotaling
24 July 1961 to 26 November 1962, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
LTC Earl B. Milburn
26 November 1962 to 12 November 1963, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
MAJ Karl E. Nestler  (Colonel Ret.)
19 Sep.-12 Oct. 1963 and 12 Nov. 1963-6 Feb. 1964
4th U.S. Army, Fort Hood, Texas
LTC Albert R. Escola  (MG Retired)
6 February 1964 to 16 June 1965, 4th U.S. Army
Fort Hood, Texas
LTC Glen A. Hill (COL Retired)
28 July 1965 to 19 October 1966, 4th U.S. Army, Fort Hood, Texas
19 October 1966 to 15 January 1967, 18th MP Brigade, Vietnam

LTC Kenneth Weinstein
15 January 1967 to 1 July 1967
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Francis E. "Frank" Payne  (COL Retired)
1 July 1967 to 14 December 1967
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Robert Reinke
14 December 1967 to 10 March 1968
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Zane V. Kortum
10 March 1968 to 7 June 1968
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Baxter M. Bullock
7 June 1968 to 11 February 1969
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Robert M. O'Malley, Sr.
11 February 1969 to 1 August 1969
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Henry N. Henry, Jr.
1 August 1969 to 30 January 1970
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Robert E. Stromfors
30 January 1970 to 30 July 1970
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Robert P. Schmitz
30 July 1970 to 31 January 71
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Albert A. Ackerman
31 January 71 to 5 February 1972
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam


LTC Charles A. Hammaker
5 February 1972 to August 1972
89th MP Group, 18th MP Brigade, Long Binh, Vietnam

LTC Gerald G. Gibbons
13 August 1972 to May 1974 ~ 5th U.S. Army, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC George Nipper
May 1974 to November 1975
III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC Jon McFarland
November 1975 to 27 May 1977
III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC L. E. Wollmering
27 May 1977 to 10 October 1978
III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC H. L. Holloway
10 October 1978 to 4 January 1980
III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC Artis B. Mosley, Jr.
4 January 1980 to 16 July 1982
III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC Larry B. Berrong, Jr.
16 July 1982 to 27 July 1984
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC A. Paul Sowa
27 July 1984 to 18 July 1986
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC Carl C. Sutherland
18 July 1986 to 18 July 1988
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC Kenneth Wood
18 July 1988 to May 1990
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC Steven J. Curry  (BG Retired)
May 1990 to 23 June 1992
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Anthony Stamillio
23 June 1992 to 1994
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

Photograph Needed

LTC Rodney L. Johnson  (BG Retired)
1995 to June 1996
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Mary C. Frels
June 1996 to June 1998
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC David D. Phillips  (BG Retired)
June 1998 to June 2000
89th MP Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Roderick G. Demps
June 2000 to June 2002
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC David J. Poirier
June 2002 to 9 June 2004
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Robert M. Taradash
9 June 2004 to 15 June 2006
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Frank Y. Rangel, Jr.
15 June 2006 to 20 August 2008
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC David J. Segalla, Jr.
20 August 2008 to 9 July 2010
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Eric D. Brunken
9 July 2010 to 23 February 2013
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


MAJ Ruse M. Wiley (HQ Rear Provisonal)
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC David D. Stender
28 February 2013 to 20 February 2015
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Karst Brandsma
20 February 2015 to 2017
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas


LTC Charlie Green
2017 to current
89th MP Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas

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